摘要:互花米草(Spartina alterniflora),原产美国东南部海岸,耐盐耐淹,有良好的促淤作用,1979年,出于生态工程的目的,有意引种进入我国,用于固滩护堤。但近年来由于其快速的繁殖扩散,大面积分布于我国沿海地区,严重破坏了生态环境,已被我国列为外来入侵物种。为了保护上海市滩涂资源生物多样性和可持续开发利用,充分利用互花米草的正面价值,尽量减少其负面影响,暂且不考虑实施成本和价值的情况下,提取互花米草叶片中的黄酮类物质就是挖掘其剩余价值的一种。本文介绍了通过水浴法对互花米草叶片进行黄酮类物质的提取,发现互花米草叶片中黄酮类物质在水浴60℃和70%乙醇浓度的最佳提取率为49.37%。发现通过提取互花米草中的黄酮类物质可以作为利用互花米草价值的一种。21291 毕业论文关键词:互花米草;黄酮;入侵物种;崇明东滩;提取
Spartina alterniflora leaves extraction and content determination of flavonoids from tablets
Abstract: Spartina alterniflora grasses (Spartina alterniflora), native United States southeast coast, salt-tolerant of submergence, good silting, 1979, for the purpose of ecological engineering, intentional introduction into our country, for reinforcement the berm. But in recent years due to its fast breeding spread large area distributed in coastal areas of China, causing serious damage to the ecological environment, has been classified as invasive alien species in China. For the protection of biopersity and the sustainable exploitation and utilization of tidal flat resources in Shanghai, take full advantage of Spartina positive value to minimize its negative impact, without considering the cost and value of the case, extraction of Spartina alterniflora is the mining of flavonoids in the leaves of its residual value. This article describes the leaves of Spartina flavonoids were extracted through a water bath method, found the film Spartina grass flavonoids in a water bath 60 ℃ and 70% ethanol concentration optimal extraction rate of 49.37%. Found by extracting Spartina in flavonoids can be used as the value of the use of Spartina one.
Keywords:Spartina alterniflora; Flavonoids; Invasive species; Chongming Dongtan; Extract
1 绪论 1
1.1 互花米草的生物学特性 1
1.1.1 互花米草的形态特征 1
1.1.2 互花米草的产地分布 1
1.2 互花米草的现状 2
1.3 互花米草生物质能利用潜力 2
1.3.1 互花米草生物质能开发利用可行性 2
1.3.2 互花米草生物质能开发利用现状与展望 4
1.4 黄酮类物质的生物学特性 5
1.5 黄酮类物质的作用 5
1.6 黄酮类化合物的提取方法 6
1.6.1 微波提取法 7
1.6.2 超声波提取法 7
1.7 黄酮类化合物的检测方法 8
1.7.1 分光光度法 8
1.7.2 薄层色谱法 8
1.7.3 极谱法 9
1.8 本课题研究的意义 10
2 材料与方法 10
2.1 材料 10
2.2 实验方法 11
2.2.1 互花米草黄酮类物质的提取 11
2.2.2 标准液配制 11
2. 3 互花米草黄酮类化合物含量的测定 11
2.3.1 工作曲线的绘制 11
2.3.2 互花米草叶提取液黄酮类化合物含量测定 12