摘要:植物种子会因为温度、光照等环境因素影响其萌发率、萌发指数和幼苗活力等。本课题选择了在花海造景中常用的植物虞美人的种子作为实验材料,通过观察其种子在全黑暗、弱光照、中光照和强光照条件下的萌发情况以及在10℃、15℃、25℃和35℃下的萌发情况、测量其种子的萌发数、根长和芽长,计算其萌发率、萌发速率系数、发芽指数和种子幼苗活力等参数,结果表明:虞美人种子在弱光条件下萌发的最好,萌发率较高,幼苗活力也较大,萌发综合情况最好;而它最适萌发温度在15-25℃之间,温度过低时萌发率太低;温度过高,虽然萌发率高,但不适于幼苗生长,幼苗将会受到高温胁迫而生长缓慢乃至死亡。如果在实际生产过程中能很好地控制温度和光照这两个环境因素,便会较大的提高其萌发率和成活率,更能降低生产成本。22744 毕业论文关键词:虞美人;种子萌发;温度;光照
Effects of Light and Heat Conditions on the Germination of Seeds of Papaver rhoeas
Abstract:plant Seeds due to temperature, light and other environmental factors that affect their germination rate, germination and seedling vigor index and so on.The topic chosen glasses and flowers commonly used in landscaping plant poppy seed as the experimental material By observing its seeds germination in total darkness, weak light, light and strong light conditions and at 10 ℃, 15 ℃, 25 ℃ and 35 ℃ , measurement the number of its seed germination, root length and shoot length, calculate the coefficient of germination rate, germination rate, germination index and parameters such as seed seedling vigor, The results show that the low light is the best conditions when poppy seeds germinate, high germination rate , seedling vigor is large, the consolidation of the best ;The optimum germination temperature between 15-25 ℃, The germination rate is too low if the temperature is too low ; it is not suitable for seedling growth and Seedlings will growth slowly or even death when it be high temperature stress if temperature is too high , although the germination rate is high enough, And seedlings will be burned. The germination rate and survival will be greatly improved If the temperature and illumination of these two environmental factors can improve the germination rate and survival rate largely, and will reduce the production costs.
Keywords: Papaver rhoeas; seed germination; temperature; light
1 引言 1
1.1 种子萌发的基本概述 1
1.2 种子萌发的自身条件 1
1.2.1 种子足够健康 1
1.2.2 处于非休眠状态 1
1.2.3营养物质充足 2
1.3 种子萌发的外界条件 2
1.3.1 水分 2
1.3.2 空气 2
1.3.3 温度 2
1.3.4 光照 3
1.4 虞美人选取的原因 3
1.5 课题研究的现状和背景 4
1.6 研究的目的、意义 4
2.材料与方法 5
2.1 实验材料 5
2.2 实验仪器设备 5
2.3 试验方法与内容 5
2.3.1 种子重量及直径的测定 5
2.3.2 实验方法 5
3 结果与分析 6
3.1 种子的重量 6
3.2温度对虞美人种子萌发的影响 6
3.2.1原始数据 6
3.2.2 不同光照的数据分析 8
3.3光照对虞美人种子萌发的影响 10
3.3.1原始数据 10
3.3.2 不同光照的数据分析 12
4.讨论与结论 15