毕业论文关键词:铁皮石斛; 金钗石斛; 微卫星标记技术; 杂交后代鉴定
Abstract The germplasm resources reserves and utilization of medicinal plants is widely in China, in order to obtain the higher quality medicinal plants, a variety of methods were applied。 As we all know, most rare Dendrobium plants are kinds of outstanding Chinese traditional medicinal materials。 In order to obtain high-quality Dendrobium medicinal material, our study applied two wide species of Dendrobium officinale (male parent) and Dendrobium nobile (female parent) to construct the hybrids F1 population, and then got the F2 population after self-pollination。 Genome wide SSR molecular markers were used to identify the real and pseudo sexual reproduction progenies with polymorphism amplification spectral bands between progenies and their parent。 By using the 9 SSR markers of DNtSSR013, DNtSSR024, DNtSSR072, DNtSSR073, DNtSSR074, DNtSSR099, DNtSSR102, DNtSSR147 and DNtSSR149, marker types of complementary, female parent, male parent and others were identified 128 real sexual reproduction progenies from 130 hybrids, accurately。 Our results not only demonstrate the feasible of SSR markers in germplasms identification, but also prove a Dendrobium hybrid population of 128 inpiduals for new varieties breeding。 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766
Key words: Dendrobium officinale; Dendrobium nobile; EST-SSR; Identification; Hybrid offspring
1 DNA标记技术 6
1。1 SSR标记 6
2 材料和方法 7
2。1实验材料 7
2。2 实验方法 7
2。2。1 DNA的提取 7
2。2。2 SSR-PCR 扩增反应 8
2。2。3扩增产物的电泳检测 8
2。2。4 SSR引物的筛选 9
3 结果与分析 10
4 讨论与结论 13
5 展望 14
参考文献: 15
1。 主要试剂 16
2. 主要仪器 17
致谢 18
我国是世界上人口最多的国家,也是世界上药用植物种质资源储备和利用的大国。随着经济社会的发展和生活水平的提高,人们对天然药物的需求不断增加,开发利用呈现多样化,尤其是对药用植物品质提出了更高的要求。药用植物的品质保证已成为现阶段中药栽培和育种工作的重要内容之一。石斛是兰科(Orchidaceae)石斛属(Dendrobium)多年生草本植物源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 ,全株入药,是养阴功效卓著的传统珍贵中药材,最早记录见于东汉《神农本草经》。我国有近40种药用石斛,自秦岭以南皖、浙、云、贵、川等诸省区都有分布[1]。现代医学研究表明石斛对咽喉疾病、肠胃疾病、白内障、心血管疾病、糖尿病、肿瘤均具有显著疗效,特别是对人体肺癌细胞具有高达74。7%~97。2%的抑制率[2]。石斛人工栽培、规模化种植技术基本成熟,产业化规模不断扩大。