摘 要:以“周油589”油菜为材料,使用水培方法,研究了不同浓度(0、1、1.5、2、2.5、3g•L-1)的AsA对盐渍胁迫下油菜幼苗生理特性的影响,以探讨AsA缓解油菜盐胁迫毒害效应的效果。试验结果表明,在盐渍胁迫下油菜幼苗的根系活力降低,株高和鲜重减少;叶绿素含量降低;丙二醛含量(MDA)及过氧化物酶活性显著增加;外施AsA显著提高了盐胁迫下幼苗叶片的光合色素、抗氧化酶活性和根系活力,膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛含量减少。由此得出,外施AsA能文持细胞膜的稳定性,减轻膜脂过氧化程度,缓解盐胁迫对油菜幼苗的伤害,从而有效的改善了植物的生长发育状况,并以2g•L-1外源AsA缓解效果最好。31656 毕业论文关键词:抗坏血酸;盐胁迫;油菜;生理响应
Physiological Response of Exogenous Ascorbic Acid
under Salt Stress to Rape Seedlings
Abstract:Using rape “zhouyou -589”as the material, the effects of different concentration of AsA (0、1、1.5、2、2.5、3g•L-1) on the growth of rape seedlings under salt stress were studied by hydroponic method in order to discuss the effect of AsA easing rape salt stress poison. The experiment results showed as follow:under salt stress, the root activity, height and fresh weight of rape seedlings were reduced; the content of Chlorophyll was significantly decreased than those of control; MDA and the autioxidant enzyme activities were significantly increased. AsA application on the leaves significantly increased the contents of photosynthetic pigment, the root activity and the autioxidant enzyme activities. The content of malonaldehyde (produce of membrane lipid peroxidation) was decreased when the rape seedlings were under the damage of salt stress. The results showed that AsA could effectively maintain cell membrane stability, reduce membrane lipid peroxidation injury and relieve salt damage stress on rape seedlings, thus effectively improved the growth and development of plants and the effect of 2g•L-1 AsA was optimal.
Key Words:Ascorbic Acid ; Salt Stress; Rape Seedling; Physiological Response
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
引 言 2
1. 材料与方法 2
1.1 实验材料 2
1.2 培养方法 3
1.3实验方法 3
1.4 数据分析 3
2. 结果与分析 3
2.1 AsA喷施对盐胁迫下油菜幼苗生长的影响 3
2.2 AsA喷施对盐胁迫下油菜幼苗叶绿素的影响 4
2.3 AsA喷施盐胁迫下油菜幼苗根系活力的影响 4
2.4 AsA喷施对盐胁迫下油菜幼苗POD活性的影响 5
2.5 AsA喷施对盐胁迫下油菜幼苗MDA含量的影响 6
2.6 AsA喷施对盐胁迫下油菜幼苗超氧阴离子产生速率的影响 7
3. 讨论 7
4. 结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 12
目前,土壤盐碱化问题严重威胁着人类有限的土地资源,成为目前人类亟待解决的问题之一。有关数据表明,我国的盐渍土地总面积为1亿多hm 2,其中现代盐渍土地大约有0.373亿hm 2、残余盐渍土地大约有0.446亿hm 2,其他潜在盐渍土地大约有0.173hm2[1]。近年来,由于一些农业措施使用不当,导致土壤盐渍化现象愈来愈严重,据估计,截止2050年,超过50%的耕地将受到盐渍的危害[2]。在盐胁迫下,植物生长会受到抑制[3],光合作用减弱,代谢作用失调[4],严重时会导致作物的产量显著降低,故研究缓解植物盐渍胁迫对于保证农作物优质高产有至关重要的意义。