摘要:我国互联网金融发展起步比较晚,但是其飞速发展的趋势使得我国的 互联网技术为国民经济贡献一份力量。但是速度的高度增长下,以互联网为平台 的金融风险问题也在日益凸显。由此,我国不光要鼓励互联网金融发展,与此同 时也要加强对其的监管的监管力度,要做到鼓励与监管相结合。只有这样才能保 证我国互联网金融持续健康发展,本文所探讨的中心也是围绕这个观点展开的。 笔者在探讨互联网金融监管时,结合如今互联网流行的一些产品或途径来阐述互 联网金融中存在的弊端,例如 P2P 网贷,互联网金融产品的非法集资,第三方支 付与众筹的定义以及对互联网金融的影响等,这些新兴的网络集资方式是否符合 互联网金融的规定,监督互联网金融就要从这些案例着手,完善监管漏洞,创新 监管途径,为互联网金融的健康发展创造良好的环境。70372

毕业论文关键字:互联网金融 第三方支付 P2P 网贷 众筹 互联网理财

Research on Internet Financial Supervision

Abstract: China's Internet financial development started late, but its rapid development of the trend of China's Internet technology for the national economy to contribute to a force. However, the speed of the high growth, the Internet platform for financial risk issues are increasingly prominent. As a result, China is not only to encourage the development of Internet banking, but also to strengthen the supervision of its regulatory efforts, to do to encourage the combination of regulation and supervision. Only in this way can guarantee the sustained and healthy development of Internet banking in China, the center of this paper is also around this point of view. I in the discussion of the Internet banking supervision, combined with the now popular Internet products and ways to elaborate the drawbacks of the existing Internet banking, such as P2P net loan, Internet banking products of illegal fund-raising, third party payment and all the congregation raised the definition and on the Internet financial influence, these emerging networks fund-raising way is in conformity with the provisions of the Internet banking, Internet banking supervision to proceed from these cases, improve regulatory loopholes, innovative regulatory approach, for the healthy development of Internet banking to create a good environment.

Key   words: Internet finance third party   payment p2p net loan crowdfunding online   investment


1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 文献综述 2

2 我国互联网金融的发展 3

2.1 互联网金融发展现状 4

2.2 互联网金融对传统金融监管带来的挑战 6

2.3 我国互联网金融监管现状 8

3 互联网金融发展中出现的问题 9

3.1 第三方支付 9

3.2 P2P 网贷 9

3.3  众筹 10

3.4 互联网整合销售金融产品 11











