
    摘要本文研究了钠离子对绿茶茶汤以及茶汤中主要滋物质呈特性的影响。钠离子浓度的增加会显著影响绿茶茶汤的滋,苦呈降低趋势,涩呈先降低后提高的趋势。钠离子(40 mg/ L)减弱了EGCG的涩以及苦,降低了咖啡碱的苦和茶氨酸的甜,略提高茶氨酸的鲜。研究同时发现,茶汤中的呈物质之间具有一定的协同拮抗效应:EGCG和咖啡碱能互相增强苦和涩,咖啡碱可提高茶氨酸的回甜以及EGCG的涩,茶氨酸可降低EGCG和咖啡碱的苦。本研究结果将为改善绿茶饮料滋品质提供理论依据。44145

    Abstract The effects of Na+ on the taste of green tea infusion and solutions of the main taste compounds were studied. Increasing the Na+ concentration significantly influenced the taste of tea infusions prepared from instant green tea by weakening the bitter taste and by decreasing the astringent taste first followed by an increase. Na+ (40 mg/ L) weakened the astringent and bitter tastes of EGCG solution as well as decreased the bitter taste of caffeine solution and the sweet taste of theanine solution, with enhancing the umami taste of theanine solution. There were synergistic and countervailing actions found by the time among the taste substances: EGCG and caffeine could strengthen each other’s bitter and astringent tastes; caffeine could enhanced the after-sweet of theanine and the astringent of EGCG. theanine could weakened the bitter taste of EGCG and caffeine. This research can afford theoretical foundation to improve taste quality of green tea infusion.

    毕业论文关键词: 钠离子; 滋; 绿茶;化学物质

    Keyword: Na+;taste;green tea;chemicals

     目    录

    1、引言 5

    2、材料与方法 7

    2.1 材料与仪器 7

    2.2 试验方法 7

    2.2.1 茶汤制备 7

    2.2.2 茶汤感官审评 8

    2.2.3 茶汤主要化学成分含量测定 8

    2.2.4 茶汤儿茶素及咖啡碱含量测定 8

    2.2.5 茶汤色度差异及pH测定 8

    2.2.6 Na+与呈物质间的相互呈作用分析 8

    2.3 数据分析 9

    3、结果与分析 9

    3.1 钠离子(NACL)浓度对绿茶茶汤滋品质及理化成分的影响 9

    3.1.1 钠离子(NaCl)浓度对绿茶茶汤滋属性的影响 9

    3.1.2 钠离子(NaCl)浓度对绿茶茶汤理化成分的影响 10

    3.2 不同来源钠离子对绿茶茶汤滋品质及理化成分的影响 12

    3.2.1 不同来源钠离子对绿茶茶汤滋属性的影响 12

    3.2.2 不同来源钠离子对绿茶茶汤理化成分的影响 13

    3.3钠离子对绿茶主要呈物质滋属性的影响 14

    3.3.1 钠离子对儿茶素EGCG滋属性的影响 15

    3.3.2 钠离子对咖啡碱滋属性的影响 16

    3.3.3 钠离子对茶氨酸滋属性的影响 16

    3.4钠离子对呈物质相互作用的滋影响 17

    4、小结 19

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