    摘要:本文研究了壳聚糖膜的制备,壳聚糖-薰衣草精油共混膜的制备,并对共混膜的含水量,水溶性,溶胀度,接触角等性能进行了测定分析,以及力学性能和抑菌性等的测试。结果表明,1.5%的壳聚糖浓度成膜浓度较适宜;壳聚糖膜用中温干燥(55℃)时的机械性能相对较佳,用氢氧化钾中和后的壳聚糖膜性能更好;共混体系中随着薰衣草精油的浓度的增加,膜的水溶性,溶胀性减小,含水量也减小,而抗张强度和延伸率则变大。而抑菌试验发现酸处理的壳聚糖膜的抑菌性比较强,而碱处理后的壳聚糖膜的抑菌效果要差一些,造成这种差异的原因可能是: 在酸性条件下壳聚糖分子中的NH3+ 能与带负电荷的细胞壁发生静电吸附作用, 这个过程有利于壳聚糖分子与微生物相结合, 从而提高其抗菌性能。而在壳聚糖碱处理膜的制备过程中, 碱处理会中和部分带正电荷的氨基, 导致其抗菌性能的降低。
    关键词: 壳聚糖膜;薰衣草精油;性能测定;抑菌性4095
    Preparation and characterization of chitosan-lavender essential oil composite films
    Abstract:This paper studies the preparation of chitosan films, the preparation of chitosan - lavender essential oil composite films, and the composite films water content, water soluble, swelling degree, properties, such as contact Angle was determined by analysis, and testing of mechanical properties and antibacterial etc. Results show that 1.5% of the concentration of chitosan as films concentration is suitable; Chitosan films of medium temperature dry (55 ℃) due to mechanical performance is relatively poor, after using potassium hydroxide and chitosan films performance is better; Blending system increased with the increase of the concentration of lavender essential oil, water-soluble films, swelling property decreases, and water content also decreased, while the tensile strength and elongation.Bacteriostatic test found that acid treatment and antibacterial properties of chitosan films, and chitosan films after alkali treatment of bacteriostatic effect is less, the cause of this difference might be: chitosan molecules of NH3 + under acid condition can occur with the negatively charged cell wall electrostatic adsorption, the process is advantageous to the chitosan molecule combined with microbes, so as to improve its antibacterial properties. And in the process of the preparation of chitosan films alkali treatment, alkali treatment, assembly and parts of positively charged amino resulting in a loss of its antibacterial properties.

    Keywords:chitosan films,lavender essential oil,Determination of physical characteristics,antimicrobial activity
    1 引言    1
    1.1可食性膜    1
    1.2 壳聚糖膜的研究进展    1
    1.2.1壳聚糖    1
    1.2.2壳聚糖膜性能的研究进展    2
    1.2.3 薰衣草精油    4
    1.3壳聚糖膜的发展趋势    5
    1.4本文研究目的与意义    5
    2材料与方法    7
    2.1实验材料    7
    2.2实验仪器    7
    2.3实验方法    7
    2.3.1 膜的制备    7
    2.3.2 薰衣草精油的GC-MS分析    8
    2.3.3壳聚糖共混膜的性能测定    8
    2.3.4 壳聚糖膜力学性能的测定    9
    2.3.5红外光谱测定    9
    2.3.6X射线测定    10
    3 结果与讨论    11
    3.1壳聚糖-薰衣草精油共混膜    11
    3.2薰衣草精油的成分分析    11
    3.3壳聚糖膜性能测定    14
    3.3.1含水量测定结果    14
    3.3.2水溶性测定结果    14
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