
     [摘要]   人体的下肢动作给予了人体活动的可能性。生活中人们从高处落下会采用一些动作来缓解地面的反作用力,在体育项目中也会用到不同的下肢动作。文章通过研究不同高度落下时的下肢动作,分析了三个关节的角度变化和重心位移的变化,详细的阐述了下肢动作随着高度的增加,重心位移的增大,从而调整身体姿态。下肢的三个关节在三个高度的表现为增大弯曲角度,降低重心最低点,以此来减少地面反作用力的冲击值。实验观察发现在不同高度的三个关节的变化情况:在重心最低点的时候是三个关节的角度成逐渐下降的趋势;膝关节角度变化最大,在缓冲中起到主要承受GRF值的关键作用;髋关节角度变化略小,起到调节作用。重心位移跟GRF值成正比,随着高度逐渐升高,GRF值的冲击值逐渐增大,导致重心位移的高度逐渐变大,下蹲最低点逐渐降低。46718


    The lower extremity movement gives the possibility of human activities. People falling from a height will adopt some action to alleviate ground reaction forces in the life. On sporting events will be used different lower limb movements. Based on the study of different height when dropped lower limb movement, analyzed the changes in the angle of displacement of the center of gravity changes and three joints of the lower limb movements in detail as the height increases, the center of gravity displacement is increased to adjust the body posture. Three joints in the lower extremities of the three high performances for increased bending angle, the lowest point lower center of gravity, in order to reduce the impact of the value of the ground reaction force. Experimental changes observed in three joints of different heights: the lowest point in the center of gravity when the three joint angle into a gradual downward trend; The key role of the biggest changes the angle of the knee, played mainly exposed to GRF value in the buffer; Hip angle changes slightly smaller, and plays a regulatory role. GRF is proportional to the displacement of the center of gravity with the value, as the height gradually increased, impact value GRF value increases, resulting in displacement of the center of gravity height gradually increases, the lowest point of the squat decreased.

    [毕业论文关键词] 不同高度; 关节角度; 重心位移; 变化

    Keyword: Different heights;Joint angle;Shifting the Center; Change

    目    录

    1、前  言 4

    2、研究方法 4

    2.1文献资料法 4

    2.2专家访谈法 4

    2.3实验法 5

    2.3.1实验对象 5

    2.3.2实验器材 5

             运动学捕捉系统 5      

     三维测力台 5

             运动学和动力学信号采集软件 6       

     人体运动生物力学分析软件 7

             实验用鞋 7       

     紧身短裤 8

    2.3.3实验流程 8

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