摘 要:本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、案例分析法与逻辑分析法相结合的研究方法,依据体育法学、体育管理学等相关知识,以现有的法律法规为基础,结合健身房伤害事故个案分析,明确伤害事故中各方的法律责任,有助于各方及时、合法地捍卫自身权利,提高人们的体育安全意识,正确引导社会舆论的指向。通过调查研究发现健身房伤害事故基本上都是消费者与健身房双方共同存在过错,部分伤害事故双方都无过错,双方和解的难度较大。按照我国法律,处理健身房伤害事故一般是按照过错归责,在当事双方都无过错的情况下,一般采用公平责任。本文同时提出一些预防措施,以构建一个安全、和谐以及公正的体育健身环境,促进体育文化的发展。81462
Abstract:In this paper, literature, interviews and research methods Combination of logical analysis, according to the knowledge of sports law, sports management, etc。, to the existing laws and regulations, combined with a gym injury case analysis, to understand the principles gym Injury Treatment , a clear liability accident hurt the parties, help the parties to timely and legally defend their rights, to raise people's awareness of sports safety, correctly guide public opinion point。 Through the survey found that consumers are basically gym injuries and gym mutual wrongdoing, both part of the no-fault injury, more difficult reconciliation between the parties。 According to China's law, gym injuries treated in accordance with generally fault attributable, at no fault of both parties, the general use of equitable liability。 This paper also proposes a number of preventive measures, in order to build a safe, fair and harmonious environment of physical fitness, promote sports culture。
Key words:gym, injuries, accident liability, preventive measures
目 录
1 引言4
2 研究对象与方法4
2。1 研究对象4
2。2 研究方法4
2。2。1 文献资料法4
2。2。2 访谈法4
2。2。3 案例分析法4
2。2。4 逻辑分析法5
3 研究结果与分析5
3。1 法律视角中的健身房伤害事故5
3。1。1 健身房伤害事故的界定5
3。1。2 健身房伤害事故的分类5
3。2 健身房伤害事故个案分析6
3。3 健身房伤害事故的原因7
3。4 健身房伤害事故归责与法律依据9
3。4。1 健身房伤害事故案件的特征9
3。4。2 健身房伤害事故的法律归责9
3。5 健身房伤害事故的预防措施10
4 结论12
1 引言
2 研究对象与方法
2。1 研究对象
2。2 研究方法
2。2。1 文献资料法