


Too many investors are now the fitness industry think too simple, only need to rent the site you can find the sales team for sale。 Then by elongated membership period and low membership card price way to grab the market, such as somewhere new open a gym, in the sale will appear more than 5 years or even 10 years of membership card, the price is equivalent to down every year requires only a few hundred dollars。 Ni Jianming, general manager of Hangzhou physical fitness is commented that: "this price of cards have no profit rate is purely in order to seize the market。 Ten years of card to sell, you survive this decade, it may live, but are often not hold down, because you put resources to make finished。 After a few years there will be no profit may hold two or three years went bankrupt。 " It is because of this situation, the club will through a variety of ways and means to develop new customers, sold for the force in the form of a single to improve the single rate, although this can keep the gym's earnings, but the customer experience is very poor, the atmosphere at the gym will heavily biased towards entertainment, and not professional。 To assess whether the coach is good or not only to see his sales ability, that is, the results of all。 Coach treat private teaching attitude of the member is very perfunctory, simply can not reflect professional, which leads to a lot of really good coach can't adapt to this model and to opt out of this industry, which for the fitness industry is undoubtedly a loss of talent。

Compared with foreign, our fitness crowd of fitness knowledge popularization of very poor, ordinary a white-collar fitness demand difficult to give yourself a reasonable fitness plan, don't even know how to exercise for the current state of their health, this kind of people in urgent need of a professional strong enough environment and guide people, which is even the domestic gym in Hangzhou the most lacking, the main reason for this phenomenon is entertainment based membership system leads to, so I think that gym membership system changes is the fitness industry development trend and is inevitable。 Therefore, to study Hangzhou City fitness club business still has a lot of research space, needs further study。 So I decided to study this aspect of my research, and through certain research methods, according to the operating status of fitness clubs in Hangzhou city were investigated and analyzed。

















