    摘要全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)是由美国国防部研制出的一种具有全方位、全天候、全时段、高精度的卫星导航系统,它能为全球的用户提供低成本、高精度的三文位置、速度以及精确定时等导航信息。GPS是卫星通信技术在导航领域中的应用典范,它极大提高了地球社会的信息化水平程度,强有力地推动了全球数字经济的发展。而在大地测量工程方面,可利用GPS建立全球大地控制网,建立、改善以及加密国家和地区性大地控制网。40849
    Global Positioning System (Global Positioning System) is one of the developed by the us department of defense has all-round, all-weather, the whole period of time, high precision satellite navigation System, it can provide Global users with low cost, high precision of 3 d navigation information such as position and speed, and precise timing. GPS satellite communication technology application in the field of navigation model, it greatly improved the degree of social informatization level of the earth, strongly promote the development of the global digital economy. In geodetic engineering, can use GPS to establish global geodetic control network, establish and improve the control network and encryption national and regional earth.
    This article through to the GPS control network design and research of data processing, this paper discusses the technical design of GPS control network and optimization, using the knowledge and experience to a certain area for the design of GPS control network. After the complete network design for field data collection, finally to deal with data analysis, get relevant point coordinates.
    Key words: GPS; Control network; Data processing; Design; coordinates
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    目录    III
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    2  GPS网的技术设计    2
    2.1  基本技术依据    2
    2.1.1  GPS网技术设计的依据    2
    2.2  GPS网的设计    2
    2.2.1  GPS网的图形设计    5
    3  GPS控制测量的外业工作    8
    3.1  GPS相对定位的作业模式    8
    3.1.1  静态相对定位模式    8
    3.1.2  快速静态定位模式    8
    3.1.3  数据预处理及基线解算    11
    4  GPS控制网平差    13
    4.1  网平差的分类    13
    4.2  GPS数据处理过程    13
    5  成果报告    18
    结束    20
    致谢    21
    参考文献    22
    附录1    23
    附录2    27
    附录3    30
    附录4    31
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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