Abstract:During the Ming and Qing Dynasties is highly developed, water transport system gradually perfect period, is the canal governor Zhang has and make a significant contribution to the water transport in the Qing dynasty。 Zhang Dayou to the imperial examination origin, Prime Minister transport for nine years, the Qing Dynasty is the twentieth term governor of canal transportation。 What he did during his tenure in the governor's chosen transport Cao Bian, river training, inspections audit work, improve the transportation efficiency, increase the fiscal revenue; to compensate for the lack of water transport management, provide the service for example Cao governance River later。 Also let us know a clean Qin Shen, Zhang has the full of wit, loyalty and filial devotion。
Keywords:Tube inspection officer,river canal,audit
目 录
一、引言 4
二、生平履历 5
三、事迹贡献 6
(一)检选运弁 6
1。管查漕丁 6
2。管查官员 7
(二)治理河道 8
1。疏浚运河 8
2。修建石坝 9
(三)巡查稽核 10
1。查验回空 12
2。稽查罗教 13
四、评价影响 14
(一)漕运方面 14
1。评价 14
2。影响 14
(二)个人品质 15
1.评价 16
2.影响 17
结语 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20
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