- 上一篇:论老子《道德经》中的民本思想
- 下一篇:论“平王东迁”在两宋时期的评价
The Analysis of Yunnan "Jianshui Ceramics "Historical Development And Problems
Abstract Jianshui County in Yunnan Province, although located in the southwest frontier of China, but local production of Jianshui ceramics of human culture made certain contribution, as one of China's "four famous pottery". However Jianshui ceramic with the social change, ups and downs constantly, its development appear one after another, showing Song You celadon, Yuan blue and white, Ming has a coarse pottery, have the pattern of purple pottery ". The reasons behind the complex. From the historical point of view, this paper analyzes and studies the related problems of its historical development. Combined with historical facts of Jianshui ceramic history carding, focusing on to song after the historical development, to historical narrative and Jianshui ceramic development changes and the reasons for the status quo analysis, in order to make up for the lack of local history.
Key Words: Jianshui ceramics Historical development Analysis
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
一 建水陶瓷历史概述--1
二 建水陶瓷一度衰落再兴原因分析- 4
三 历史上阻碍建水陶瓷发展不利因素分析-- --8
四 历史经验总结--10
一 建水陶瓷历史概述
据考古学推测,陶产生于新石器时代,瓷则由于瓷土(高岭土)发现并加入,烧制温度提高而产生,最早的瓷器发现于东汉时期。上世纪80年代开始,考古工作者在建水东北郊古窑和苏家坡古墓进行发掘大量陶制品 。1982年建水县境内龙岔河谷古墓发现2000年以上的西汉古陶瓷残片,与西汉距今时间相吻合。1988年,从建水郊外被称为 “天下第一溶洞”的燕子洞中发现古人类遗物陶坠,陶弹丸等,经考古专家的鉴定,时间大约在3500多年前,为建水人类使用过的遗物。综上所述,建水陶瓷制作史大约有3500年。