
    摘要采用行为实验和眼动技术考察义符的词类一致性和家族大小对汉字形声字词类加工的影响。研究结果发现:(1)在词类的一致性判断和视觉选择中均存在字词水平的词类一致性效应, 义符同整字词类一致的字容易被认知。(2)义符的家族大小影响汉字形声字的词类加工, 义符的家族大, 汉语母语者对形声字的词类加工更容易采用形旁推理策略。(3)义符的家族大小效应受义符与整字的词类一致性调节。(4)义符家族的词类一致性影响汉字形声字的词类加工。42655

    毕业论文关键词:义符 词类一致性  家族大小

    The Effects of Category Consistency and Neighborhood Size of the Semantic Radical on the Semantic Processing of Chinese Character


    We used the behavior experiment and the eye tracker to explore the effects of category consistency and neighborhood size of the semantic radical on the semantic processing of Chinese character .Result shows that: Firstly, there is category consistency effect in word level in both category consistency  judgement  and visual selection. It’s easier to be cognized when the semantic radical is consistent with the whole character; Secondly, the neighborhood size of the semantic radical does effect the semantic processing of Chinese character . Native Chinese speakers are more likely to adopt a semantic radical inference policy when the neighborhood seize of semantic radical is big; Thirdly, the orthographic  neighborhood  effect is adjusted by the consistency between semantic radical and the whole character. Fourthly, category consistency of the semantic radical affects the semantic processing of Chinese character.

    Key Words: semantic radical, category consistency,neighborhood size

    目 录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    1 前言 1

    2 实验1:义符的词类一致性和家族大小影响汉字形声字词类加工的行为实验 4

    2.1被试 4

    2.2实验设计与材料 4

    2.3仪器 5

    2.4实验程序 6

    2.5结果与分析 6

    3 实验2:义符的家族大小和词类一致性影响形声字认知加工再探 7

    3.1被试 8

    3.2实验设计与材料 8

    3.3仪器 8

    3.4程序 8

    3.5结果与分析 8

    4 实验3:义符的词类一致性程度对形声字词类判断的影响 11

    4.1被试 11

    4.2实验设计与材料 11

    4.3仪器 12

    4.4程序 12

    4.5结果与分析 13

    5 讨论 13

    5.1关于义符的词类一致性效应 14

    5.2 关于义符的词类一致性与家族大小的交互作用 14

    5.3 义符家族的词类一致性影响形声字的词类加工 17

    5.4 家族大小在汉字形声字的词类加工和语义加工中的作用比较 17

    6 结论

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