

    毕业论文关键字:玉玦 信仰 演变过程 文化 

    Abstract: Since dating back about 8000 years of the Neolithic era found jade, jade Jue as the earliest decorations has been accompanied by the development of ancient jade evolution and constantly changing, influenced by the social environment and the mainstream culture, jade Jue the bearer of cultural backgrounds and beliefs in constant change immediately. Slotted jade exists in Xinglongwa culture, check the sea culture period to the Han Dynasty between, in this historical period of each cultural sites will unearthed a number of jade Jue, visible slotted jade in the hearts of the people at that time with a certain sense of faith. Slotted to Han Dynasty had been an overall decline in the early Western Han Dynasty, is rarely found, after rarely seen. Slotted jade in the development of the ancient jade evolution process are not too complicated changes, mostly simple shapes light plain no pattern, but from the point of view of each period were unearthed, jade Jue the bearer of cultural beliefs is unusual.

    Key word : jade Jue,belief,evolution process,culture


    一、前言 3

    (一)、选题背景 3

    (二)、研究意义 3

    二、中国古代玉器发展概况 4

    三、中国古玉文化信仰的三个发展阶段 7

    (一)、中国玉文化信仰发展的第一阶段:巫玉阶段 7

    (二)、中国玉文化信仰发展的第二阶段:王玉阶段 7

    (三)、中国玉文化信仰发展的第三阶段:民玉阶段 8

    四、玉玦的发展演变过程 8

    (一)、玉玦在新石器时代的发展演变过程 14

    (二)、玉玦在夏商西周时期的发展演变过程 15

    (三)、玉玦在春秋战国时期的发展演变过程 15

    (四)、玉玦在秦汉两代时期的发展演变过程 16

    五、玉玦的文化背景分析 17

    (一)、玉玦的社会功能分析 17

    1.玉玦用作耳饰 17

    2.玉玦用作佩饰 17

    3.玉玦用作货币 19

    (二)、玉玦的地域分布概述 19

    (三)、玉玦的时间分布概述 20

    1.新石器时代玉玦的文化背景分析 20

    2.夏商西周玉玦的文化背景分析 20


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