


     Commercial Development of Network Literature Analysis


    Since the end of the twentieth century,Emerged a large number of excellent network literature writers in the field of network literature.Their excellent works not only provide a number of popular IP for the entertainment market,but also brought a large number of fans.Tencent company vice President Wuchen offered to create IP as the core idea of entertainment.Adaptation to become a popular content of network literature,ever not been recognized by the mainstream literature of network literature in adaptations has become a market to be bestowed favor.Even create a large number of adaptation of the derivatives such as online games.So as the network literature once published on the website,how to be turned into the world of popular IP right now? In this article, we will start to this problem,through combing the development of the network literature more than ten years,check the relevant industry information including network literature industry status,organize network literature market data and analysis of network literature how into the cultural products.Argument the commercial operation of network literature and how to catalytic market through the 4C marketing theory.Analysis of the possibility of network literature IP of value.In addition to,This paper is aimed at the present network literature has been exposed by market with high attention,and creative proposed a way to get through online to offline entertainment industry chain,put forward the solution of mobile Internet as the core.

    Key Words: Network literature;  IP adaptation;  Industrial chain;  The Marketing Theory of 4Cs

    目 录

    目 录 1

    摘  要 2

    Abstract 3

    一 绪论 4

    (一) 研究目的 4

    (二) 研究方法 4

    (三) 研究意义 5

    二 网络文学的定义与发展过程 5

    (一) 网络文学定义 5

    (二) 网络文学的发展阶段 6

    三 网络文学的商业化现状分析 7

    (一) 商业化发展的必然性 7

    (二) 网络文学热门IP的商业化分析 9

    (三) 以《盗墓笔记》为例分析其IP价值

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