


    A review of the "great" thought of "big" in ancient China

    Abstract: In ancient China, the thought of "big" began to change and develop in a long time. After the discussion and transformation of Confucian, Taoism, Meng Zi, Chuang-tzu, Confucius, Lao Tzu and other scholars in the pre Qin dynasty. The great particularity of itself makes the Chinese ancient "big" and the western aesthetic thought, and it has a very special and different proposition. In "Zuo Zhuan", with the dance and carols to prove its richness and history. In the process of the development of ancient Chinese "big" aesthetic thought, Confucianism and Taoism on the "big" ideas review and structure also has a different view points and methods, the Confucianism of "big" is "the only day only", "full and bright Da Wei" "the United States starting with large", and Taoist "big" is "avenue to the United States" and "heaven and earth have beauty", the two are linked and tend to be different. Confucianism and Taoism in the "big" in the United States in the moral distinction is also great. The Confucian "big" is the embodiment of benevolence, from the moral and personal accomplishment of the people themselves to be praised. Taoism's "big" is the "Tao", "heaven and earth have great beauty", is the praise and praise of the nature of life. Two meanings of "big" also has a different interpretation, the Confucian "big" beauty is embodiment of the theory of nature and destiny, is God's moral in the presence of a color theory, and Taoism's "big" beauty is human consciousness the embodiment of beauty, is fatalism. Therefore, the two aspects of the "big" American thought in ancient China are very different. In ancient China, "big" thinking of the United States and foreign beauty of the "big" the ideological gap and large, Chinese ancient "big" aesthetic thought focus on connotation and morality exist, and foreign "big" thinking of the United States focus on volume and weight of beauty, both the definition and research direction of the gap is very big also. Chinese modern and contemporary aesthetic thinking of the "big" and the United States inherited the thought, in the history of literary works and the creation of garden art to reflect the "big" the connotation of the United States and the moral requirements. But the "big" thought of Chinese ancient times is too high for human nature, so it has its own unique limitations. Taoism's "big" aesthetic thought breaks through the Confucian moral restraint, more creative put forward the theory of aesthetics, Chinese aesthetics and art has a great help.

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