
    摘 要:清末督抚自太平天国起义之后权力日渐坐大,到庚子事变之时可谓已经达到了顶峰。但是同时也应该看到自庚子事变之后,随着新政的推行以及民主革命思潮的传播,地方督抚的权力被不断的削弱。首先是清政府通过各项新政措施自上而下的中央集权收归督抚各项权力,其次随着新军国家意识的不断增强以及革命思想的推促,对腐朽的清王朝离心反叛日益明显,而地方督抚作为清政府在地方统治的代言人自然成为首要对象。再者随着咨议局的开办,地方上层士绅在民主化思潮的影响下和自身利益的驱使开始要求分享政治权力对督抚权力进行了分割。这样在上下两股力量的作用之下,新政开始以后到辛亥革命爆发前清末督抚实际上处于一种尴尬的境地。55573


    Abstract: Governors of power in the late Qing dynasty increasingly sit big.When coming to GengZi ,it has already peaked.But at the same time we should also see that after the GengZi with the implementation of the New Deal and the spread of ideological trend of democratic revolution, the rights of local governors had been weakened. First, the Qing government centralized the local governors of power by the New Deal measures of top-down.The second,as the new national consciousness growing and revolutionary ideas to push. The new army’s centrifugal rebellion to the decay of the Qing dynasty has become increasingly apparent, and the local governors as spokesperson for the Qing government in the local rule naturally become the primary object. Furthermore as consultations bureau set up, where the upper gentry influenced by the trend of democratization and drived by its interests began to demand to share the local governors of political power ,follows the power for the pision. In the up and down, under the action of the forces after the start of the New Deal to the front of the xin-hai revolution of the late qing dynasty follows, in fact,in an awkward position.

    Keywords: Governors in the late Qing dynasty,The new deal,The new army,

    Bureau of consultations 


    一、前言 3

    二、中央集权下的地方督抚权力 4

    (一)、军权的收归 4

    (二)、财政的清理 5

    (三)、司法的改革 5

    三、觉醒新军反叛下的地方督抚权力 7

    (一)、新军的编练 7

    (二)、新军的知识化 7

    (三)、新军离心倾向及其与督抚的对抗 8

    四、咨议局冲击下的地方督抚权力 9

    (一)、咨议局的开办 9

    (二)、咨议局的职能 9

    (三)、咨议局与督抚的斗争 9

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13


    督抚制兴起于明朝,清朝建立后基本承袭了明朝的制度,明朝创立的督抚制也被继承下来,其实它包含了两个职官系统,即巡抚制和总督制。巡抚制出现于明初永乐年间。据记载:“巡抚之名,起于懿文太子巡抚陕西。” [1]意为巡行天下,安抚军民。“总督制的产生晚于巡抚制,它大致产生于明正统年间,明代中期以后,督抚的设置成为常化制度,主要分为两种类型:一类是为军事需要而设置的,一般在边境地区;另一类设置于内地,统辖两省或数省,负有监督财政和军事的职能。”[2]

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