摘要: LED  ( Light Emitting Diode)作为新一代绿色光源,因其效率高、寿命长、光色纯等优点 ,已越来越广泛地应用在照明、背光、指示灯等领域。但由于LED的光强分布近似为朗伯型,如果不经过合适的光学系统处理而直接应用,则很难达到照明灯具的性能指标。为了更好地将LE D推广至通用照明领域,研究LED光源的二次光学设计 显得尤为重要。29277
对LED射灯进行二次光学设计,目前常用的LED二次光学系统有折射型、反射型、全内反射型(Total internal reflection,  TIR)以及复合型。而在手电、射灯等需要将LE D光源准直或以一定发光角度出射的灯具中,往往由于散热、电源驱动等原因,留给二次光学系统放置的空间有限。复眼TIR透镜综合利用折射和全反射,可以在自身体积较小的情况下,有效收集并分配LED的出射光,达到灯具照明要求。本课题应用光学仿真软件,利用斯涅耳定律、费马原理,针对点光源模型,首先设计TIR结构 对LED射灯透镜进行二次光学设计与优化。从数学建模得到准直全内反透镜的母线,再通过软件设计透镜来控制其出射光的发散角,以达到LED射灯透镜设计的要求。
毕业论文 关键词:LED;TIR透镜设计;数学建模;发光角度;二次光学;扩展光源
 The design and simulation of a Light Emitting Diode lamp lens
Abstract::Light Emitting Diode as a new generation of green Light source, because of its high efficiency, long life, Light color pure, etc, has been more and more widely used in lighting, backlighting , lights, and other fields. But as a result of the LED light intensity distribution of the lambert approximate model, if not treated with appropriate optical system and direct application, it is hard to achieve performance of the lighting lamps and lanterns. In order to better LE D promotion to general lighting field, research of LE D source of secondary optical design is particularly important.
    The current commonly used type LED two optical system with refraction, reflection, Total internal reflection (Total internal reflection, TIR) and complex,. In a torch light, shoot the light will need to LE D collimating or at a certain light Angle emergent lamps and lanterns, often due to reasons such as heat dissipation, power control, limited space for secondary optical system is placed. Comprehensive utilization of compound eye TIR lens refraction and total reflection, can be in their own small cases, the effective collection and distribution of LED shoot the light, to fulfill the requirements of lighting lamps and lanterns. This topic used optical simulation
software, using the Fresnel's law, fermat's principle, in view of the point source model, first design TIR structure on the LED lamp lens, secondary optical design and optimization. From mathematical modeling collimating inside the lens bus, all of them, and then through the lens of the software design to control the pergence Angle of the emergent light, LED lamp lens in order to achieve design requirements.
     Based on the ray tracing and structure optimization method of combining the collimation best structure of TIR lens, it is concluded that the parameters are optimized by the step by step, the optimal value, and according to the laws of the drawing part intuitive obtained, may be these laws are not very accurate, or a loophole in the sampling process, but a simple understanding of basic for such a law, this design also has a deep understanding. In this paper, we study found that in the process of relevant laws and the design train of thought, has a guiding significance for LED the actual research applications.
















