摘 要:近30年来,中国音乐类选秀节目在不断的探索、模仿其他国家节目。《中国好声音》灵活运用整合营销传播策略获得了成功,引发了全国的“好声音”的热潮,并创下了5.036%的收视率。本文主要通过文献研究和案例分析相结合的方法分析《中国好声音》的整合营销传播,并从网络渠道、故事营销及盈利模式的整合营销传播策略分析节目的成功,同时分析了其整合营销传播效果。《中国好声音》是中国音乐类选秀节目一个典范,对同类音乐节目的整合营销传播有一定的指导作用。24703 毕业论文关键词:《中国好声音》;整合营销传播;音乐类选秀节目
Marketing Communication Research On The Voice of China
Abstract:In the past 30 years,China has been always exploring and imitating the similar music talent show programs from other countries.The success of "The Voice of China " uses integrated marketing communication strategies flexibly and triggers a nationwide boom of “the good voice” ,its highest rating has reached 5.036%.The paper analyzes the strategy of integrated marketing communication in “The Voice of China” which combines the methods of documentary study and case analysis.Besides ,deeply analyzing the success of “The Voice of China ” by network channel,story marketing and profit model,and analyzing the effect of IMC.“The Voice of China ” is a model of Chinese music talent show programs,and plays a guiding role for the similar programs in the development of integrated marketing communication strategy.
Key Words:The Voice of China ; Integrated Marketing Communication ;Music talent show programs
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