摘要:随着信息化时代的到来,电视广告与人们生活也越来越密切。在广告中运用大量的文学元素可以增加广告的文化内涵,提升广告的审美价值,使得广告具有蓬勃的生命力。本文通过案例分析、文献分析等方法对广告中的文学元素进行分析,发现广告中采用诗词、戏剧等方式,利用比喻、拟人等修辞手法来丰富广告的内容,增加广告的审美价值以及文化内涵,使得受众能够更好的接受产品。在此基础上电视广告中使用文学元素应该注意的问题,如:电视广告既要追求形象生动、又要忌晦涩难懂,不要过分牵强生硬、要追求内容的和谐统一等。希望通过本文的论述以及提出的方法和要求能为我国电视广告的健康发展提供有益的理论探索。24946 毕业论文关键词:文学元素;电视广告;审美价值;文化内涵
On the Literary Elements in TV Advertisements
Abstract: In the age of information, TV advertisements are closely related to people’s ordinary life. The using of literary elements in advertisements can add cultural connotation, and improve aesthetic value of advertisements, making advertisements full of vitality. This paper is analyzing the literary elements in advertisements by exemplification. It is found that poem and drama are always the ways of creating advertisement, and the rhetorical devices such as simile and personification are always used to rich the content, to improve aesthetic value and cultural connotation, making the advertisement more acceptable to the audience. There are also many problems that we need pay attention to when using literary elements in advertisements. TV advertisements should to be vivid, but not hard to understand making the audience feel uncomfortable. It is also important to persue the harmony of content. I hope the description and method mentioning in this treatise could provide theoretical support to the sound development of TV advertisement in China.
Key Words: Literary Elements;TV Advertisement; Aesthetic Value,;Cultural Connotation
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