摘 要:随着智能手机的普及以及手机上网用户群的不断扩大,手机广告也成为了新的广告平台。与此同时,以博客、维基等为代表的Web2.0时代的到来,使交流、互动和分享打破了时间与空间的界限,微信自Web2.0而来,乘Web3.0之势,将自身之大数据、云计算、物联网等新技术相融合,真正实现了现实与虚拟世界的“无缝连接”。微信,腾讯肩膀上的新生代终端即时通讯软件迅速发展,用户群体的壮大必然吸引无数商家驻足,微信平台也越来越成为商家广告的必投之地。本文将结合微信广告传播的产生发展、特性与现状,讨论微信广告传播中遇到的问题并探索其发展策略。63174 毕业论文关键词:微信,广告传播,Web2.0, Web3.0
Abstract: With the growing popularity of smart phones and mobile Internet user base, mobile advertising has become a new advertising battlefield. With the growing popularity of smart phones and mobile Internet user base, mobile advertising has become a new advertising battlefield. At the same time,with the arrival of Web2.0 era,represented by blog and wiki, communication, interaction and sharing has broken the boundaries of time and space.As a product of this era,Wechat will be closely integrated with various technology online and offline,resulting in the virtual world of "seamless connection" .WeChat, as a new generation of instant messaging software standing on the shoulders of Tecent,the rapid development and expansion of user groups is bound to attract many businesses and micro-channel platform for merchants to throw advertising. WeChat, instant messaging software Tencent new generation terminal on the shoulders of the rapid development and expansion of user groups is bound to attract many businesses to stop, micro-channel platform is increasingly becoming the land of merchants will throw advertising. This paper will make an introduction on its development, characteristics and present situation,and according to the discussion of the invovling problems
surveys,we hope that WeChat advertising communication can posess a sound development strategy.
Keywords: WeChat,Advertising communication,Web2.0,Web3.0h
一、引言 4
二、文献综述 4
(一)从微信广告的表现方面 4
(二)微信广告的传播角度 4
(三)微信广告营销价值角度 5
三、微信广告的界定 5
(一)微信广告定义 5
(二)微信广告的特点 6
四、微信广告的兴起与发展 7
五、微信广告传播方式 8
(一)“扫一扫” 8
(二)“摇一摇”与“漂流瓶” 8
(三)“附近的人” 9
(四)“朋友圈” 9
(五)“公众平台” 10
六、微信广告传播现存问题 10
(一)微信广告模式尚不成熟 11
(二)微信广告投放空间不足 12
(三)受众持续关注低 12
七、完善微信广告传播的策略 13
(一)整合推广,充分利用微信广告平台 13
(二)遵守规则,维护广告发布空间 13
(三)广告传播针对化,顺应受众需要 14
结 语 15 参考文献 16
致 谢 17