摘要小型地面移动机器人 ( Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle 简称 SUGV ) 具有应用范围广泛 、 机动性高 、 环境适应能力强等优点 , 然而在保证小型地面移动机器人具备小巧外观的同时让其任然具有良好的越障能力一直是小型地面移动机器人实用化的制约条件 , 如何提高其越障性能成为近年来小型地面移动机器人研究的热点问题 。 本文提出一种以轮式运载平台为本体的小型地面移动机器人 。 这种小型地面移动机器人结合了主动和被动的越障方式 , 具有传统轮式小型地面移动机器人运行速度快 , 效率高等特点的同时还具备良好的环境适应能力 , 可以越过 2 ~ 3 倍轮高的垂直障碍 。 对此 ,具体研究内容如下:( 1 ) 分析了国内外小型地面移动机器人的研究现状及其实用化程度,针对现有的轮式 、 腿式 、 履带式和复合式运动底盘的优缺点进行了分析 。 根据设计目标 , 确立采用轮式运载方式为本体 , 综合现有运载底盘的性能特点 , 提出了全新的车体框架结构方案 , 并和已有的进行了比较 、 筛选和综合 。 最终确定了以行星轮系和平行四边形连杆相结合的驱动模块为行走机构。( 2 ) 对新型运载底盘在通过障碍时的通过性进行详细的分析。对越障分析过程中机器人的相关参数进行了详细的定义与说明 , 对分析的过程进行了合理 、 有效的假设以简化计算过程。 由于 在越障过程中 要实现不断前进, 动力 必须大于 阻力, 因此 ,将单级台阶的越障过程细化为多个阶段进行详细的受力分析 , 确定越障高度和多个车体结构参数之间的约束关系,为后期优化计算做准备。( 3 ) 根据设计参数建立三维模型 , 结合 ADAMS 建立虚拟样机进行模型的仿真实验用来验证越障的可行性,优越性。绘制一套完整的机器人图纸(包括装配图 、 零件图等 ) 。阐述了基于上述越障性能的要求,机器人所需要的控制系统的设计及其具体的实现方案。虚拟样机 试验结果表明这种新型小型地面移动机器人达到了良好的越障性能 , 行星轮系和平行四边形连杆相结合的越障底盘充分地集成了轮式和履带式底盘的优点 ,将会具有广泛的应用前景。50285
毕业论文关键词: 小型地面移动机器人 行星 轮系 平行四边形连杆机构 越障 
Abstract Abstract Abstract AbstractSmall Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV ) has the advantages of wide range ofapplication coverage, high maneuverability,high adaptive capacity to environment.However, in the guaranteed SUGV has small appearance at the same time to let it still hasfantastic performance on obstacle surmounting has always been the restriction for SUGVgo to be practical. How to improve its performance for obstacle-surmounting become a hottopic in SUGV.The paper proposes a wheeled vehicle platform as the ontology of the SUGV. Thissmall ground mobile robot is a combination of active and passive way ofobstacle - surmounting . It has characteristic s of running speed, high efficiency which arecome from a traditional wheel ed SUGV, at the same time , it also ha s good environmentadaptability, can over vertical obstacle which are 2 ~ 3 times the height of its wheels . Forthis reason ,the specific research content is as follows:(1) R esearch and analyzed the practical application of SUGV at home and abroad , inview of the existing wheel ed , leg type, crawler and complex ed analyze their advantagesand disadvantages . According to the design target, establish with wheeled transport way asthe ontology, combine existing vehicle chassis, put forward a new car body framestructure , compared screen ed and comprehen d with the existed . Finally determined bycombining the planet gear train and parallel quadrilateral connecting rod drive module forthe walking mechanism.(2) T hrough a detailed analysis for the new SUGV through obstacles . In term tosimplify the calculation process ,it has give a detailed explain for the parameters of therobot and give some assumptions. According to the power should not be less thanresistance in the process of obstacle negotiation this principle, the single steps of theobstacle-surmounting process pided into multiple stages detailed force analysis,determine the barrier height and multiple constraint relations between the car bodystructure parameters, to prepare for later optimization calculation.(3) According to 3 - d model combining ADAMS virtual model of simulation which has experiment the feasibility and superiority. of obstacles - surmounting. Draw a set ofcomplete robot drawings, including assembly drawing, part drawing, etc.). Expounds theobstacle-surmounting performance based on the above requirements, the design of thecontrol system of robot need and concrete implementation scheme.The results of virtual model of simulation show that this new type of SUGV has agood performance of obstacle- s urmounting . T he combination of planetary gear train andparallel quadrilateral connecting rod chassis is fully integrated with the advantages ofwheel type and crawler chassis, will have broad application prospects.Key Key Key
















