Research Questions 5

3。2 Research Design 5

4 Three Factors of Translators' Subjectivity 6

4。1 Translators' Backgrounds 6

4。2 Translation Habits 8

4。3 Expected Effects of Versions 9

Conclusion 12

Acknowledgements 13

References 14

1 Introduction

1。1Research Background

Studies about translators’ subjectivity have a long history。 In Chinese culture, translators had been put on a marginalized place for a long time。 With “the culture turn” of translation studies, translators gradually have been put on the center place。 And then the studies of translators’ subjectivity have been deepening step by step。 Generally, scholars both at home and abroad often study translators’ subjectivity from the perspectives of hermeneutics, reception theory, polysystem theory, feminism, theory of linguistic adaptation, deconstruction and other theories。 

As the representative of blank verse, Paradise Lost was made up of many complex long sentences which consist of compound clauses and phrases。 Different parts in long sentences which are seen to be wrongly placed form those complicated structures, which the author used to emphasize different words or phrases (Lu, 1990)。 In this way, John Milton shaped this work into a gorgeously lofty epic and made readers feel majestic and magical (Ricks, 1963)。 So we can find that the process of translation is really tough。  论文网

In this paper, I would focus on the research of translators’ subjectivity from the perspective of reception theory。 As readers and receivers of the original, translators have their own ideas how to understand the original。 Translators are the subject of translation, and they also have their own subjective attitudes to choose their versions’ style。 Analysing translator’s subjectivity from the perspective of reception theory means that translators are put on the center of works, treated as the subject of the original’s artistic recreation。 Through analysing various factors, I want to make it clear how translators receive and understand the original, and how they choose translation strategies, and what effects they want their versions to get。 文献综述

Because of the complexity of Paradise Lost, in the process of translation, translators’ subjectivity must be more obvious。 And those three versions which I select are stylistically different。 Fu Donghua is the first person who tried to translate Paradise Lost; Zhu Weiji’s version is called most-like-Milton version; Zhu Weizhi’s version is the most popular for its easy structure。 Because of their unique features, I choose their versions as examples to analyse translator’s subjectivity。 

1。2 Significance of the Study

This paper aims to investigate how translators’ different attitudes, viewpoints and translation habits have a great effect on their reception of the original, and finally affect their different versions。 As the three translators translated Paradise Lost in quite early times, they had few other versions to refer to。 So, they had to employ their own subjectivity -- to arouse their emotion, aesthetic sense, imagination and other abilities – to understand the original and recreate their own translations。 I think, taking Fu Donghua’s, Zhu Weiji’s, and Zhu Weizhi’s versions as examples will make the result of my research more effective。 

















