    摘 要语言与文化关系密切。语言是文化的载体,有着丰富的文化内涵。词汇是语句的基本构成单位,文化差异是词汇教学的一个重要组成部分。英语词汇教学与跨文化交际密不可分,培养跨文化意识是英语词汇教学中必不可少的一环。本文用对比法分析中西文化差异在词汇层面的体现,指出掌握英语词汇文化内涵的重要性,强调英语词汇教学中一定要注意英语词汇的文化内涵。同时,本文拟探讨词汇教学要通过对中英文化差异进行比较,使学生在学习词汇的过程中真正能够领会到词的含义,并能正确运用所学到的词汇进行交际,真正达到词汇教学的目的。19080
    关键词: 文化差异;英语教学;词汇
    Abstract There is close relationship between language and culture. Language is the bearer of culture and it is full of cultural connotations. Vocabulary is the fundamental unit of the sentence. Cultural difference is one of the most important part of vocabulary teaching. English vocabulary teaching is compactly linked with cross-cultural communication. To cultivate cross-cultural communicative awareness is an essential part of English vocabulary teaching. With comparative method, this paper will analyze the differences between eastern and western cultures embodied in  vocabulary and emphasize that it is very important to know the cultural connotation of vocabulary in English teaching. At the same time, this paper will point out that the teaching of vocabulary should compare the cultural differences between Chinese and English and have the students master the connotation of the words in the process of learning vocabulary and apply the vocabulary that they have learned to communicate so that the target of vocabulary teaching is really achieved.
    Key words: cultural difference;English teaching;vocabulary
    Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Teachers’ Questioning Strategies inContents
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Relationship between Culture and Vocabulary    1
    2.1 The Role of Vocabulary    1
    2.2 The Nature of Culture    2
    2.3 The Relationship between Language and Culture    3
    2.4 The Importance of Culture in Language and Vocabulary Teaching    4
    III. Cultural Differences and English Vocabulary Teaching    5
    3.1 Color Words    5
    3.2 Animal Words    7
    3.3 Geographical Names    8
    3.4 Number Words    9
    3.5 Idiomatic Phrase    9
    IV. Problems Caused by Cultural Differences and Suggestions    12
    4.1 Problems in English Vocabulary Teaching Caused by Cultural Differences    12
    4.2 Suggestions on English Vocabulary Teaching    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    On Cultural Differences and English Vocabulary Teaching

    I. Introduction

    We are aware that understanding a language involves not only knowledge of grammar, lexis and phonology but also a certain features and characteristic of the culture. To communicate globally and inevitably requires communicating intercultural as well, which probably guide us to face the factors of cultural differences. It is extremely important to know about the culture when we learn a language and in order to know about the culture, we need to know the language itself as the foundation. Vocabulary is the core of English teaching and it plays significant role in communication. Therefore, the cultivation of communication should start from vocabulary teaching, specifically in the cross-culture condition.
    From explaining the importance of cultural elements in vocabulary teaching, and the comparison of some major differences between Chinese and English vocabulary, this paper reveals the close relationship between culture and vocabulary, and emphasizes the importance of cultural differences in vocabulary teaching. This paper also seeks to lead students to grasp the cultural connotation of vocabulary,enhance their awareness towards the target culture, improve their comprehensive language skills and develop their cross-cultural communicative competence.
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