2.3 The Relationship between Language and Culture
The relationship between language and culture is greatly embedded. It seems to be generally accepted that learning language and culture are interlinked. Learning a language therefore implies learning something about culture as well. This is certainly true for one's first language, but also for further language acquired (Klippel 51).
Language is a part of culture and is the primary means by which a culture transmits its beliefs,values and norms.Without language,culture would not be impossible.On the other hand,language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects culture. When language is used in contexts of communication,it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways.To put it in specific terms,“language expresses cultural reality; language embodies cultural reality; language symbolizes cultural reality’’ (Claire Kramsch 3) .
“Our human beings,whatever language they happen to speak and wherever they happen to live,have a great deal in common both biologically and culturally” (Hu, Liu 246).This cultural universal truth may be expected to lead to linguistic universals. That is, expressions in one language may have identical expression in another language. But observers often arrive at different pictures of the universe precisely because of their different cultural settings,which produce different linguistic features. The same word or expression does not necessarily mean the same thing to different peoples and misunderstandings may appear though the language and words used in communication are grammatically correct. A considerate greeting may cause surprise or even anger.An action with good intention may be mistaken as misbehavior. So, in fact, learning a language is inseparable from learning its culture.
Language and culture are deeply embedded and they can not be broken off. As Vera Simone puts it “language is culture”(37). When we learn a language we do not simply learn words, we also should learn the ways of thinking, ordering the universe and finding one's way in it. Since every language is deeply rooted in its culture, teaching culture cannot be neglected. Cultural instruction is extremely crucial in the teaching process since it can help the learners grasp the subtleties and different shadows of a foreign language.
2.4 The Importance of Culture in Language and Vocabulary Teaching Class
- 上一篇:中外教师课堂提问策略的对比研究
- 下一篇:从跨文化交际视角看幽默的言语机制和翻译