    笔者认为,这类自我反义词的来源不外乎以下两种:一是当英语吸收其他语言——比如拉丁语、德语、希腊语等——中的词根和词缀构成新的单词时,所使用的这些词根和词缀在不同的源语言中就有着不同的含义,因此自这些新词构成之日起便具有双重含义;而是在英语成为一门独立语言后,经过数个世纪的日常使用,一些词汇的褒贬性或者其他功能发生了变化,最终导致其与原始的含义大相径庭。 19204
     关键词  自我反义词   词源起源说   词义变迁说  
     Title A Study of Self-antonyms in English Language----Origins and Categories
    In English Language, majority of vocabularies carry more than one meaning. Among
    those words,  there even exists certain amount of vocabularies which conveys opposite
    meanings itself. We call them self-antonyms.  
    The article is based on the belief that these self-antonyms must have originated from
    either certain roots or affixes which carry different meanings in  various  languages
    where English words derived from  --such as Latin, Greek and German-- which share
    similar spellings at the same time, or from the appraisive and functional changes during
    daily use over the centuries after English as a autonomous  language  has been
    The main purpose of this paper is to verify the two hypotheses mentioned above and
    prove them by both  examples and researches. Furthermore, this paper also intends to
    comprehend and  analyze  the history and development of English  language  and then
    reveal the progress of changes in social milieu and thoughts in  both the United
    Kingdom and other English-speaking nations and areas by and from the perspective of
    study  and research  on self-antonyms. This will not only assist study of English and
    research on lexicology and linguistics, but also benefit the field of history,  sociology
    Keywords   Self-antonyms,Etymological Origination Theory,Semantic Shift Theory  
    Table of Contents
    Introduction  .  1
    1.1 Background and Layout    1
    1.2 Hypotheses and Objects of Study    2
    1.3 Methods of Study    3
    2. Literature Review  3
    3.  Self-antonyms Engendered by Different Source Languages----Etymological Origination
    Theory  .  6
    3.1 Self-antonyms and Formation of Early English    6
    3.2 Self-antonyms in the Age of Colonialism  .  7
    4.  Self-antonyms Derived from Daily Use----Semantic Shift Theory   10
    4.1 Self-antonyms and Politics    11
    4.2 Self-antonyms and The Development of Art  .  12
    4.3 Self-antonyms and Daily Routines    13
    4.4 Evidences of This Hypothesis  .  15
    Conclusion    17
    Acknowledgements  .  19
    Bibliography .  20
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