
    1.1 Background and Layout
    Polysemy phenomenon, words that carry  different meanings,  is  quite common in any
    languages, and English being not an exception.  However, in English Language, there
    exists certain amount of vocabularies which convey opposite meanings itself. For example,
    the word “sanction”, as a verb, can indicate both “to give permission for something to take
    place” and “to punish somebody/something” (Hornby, 2009:1765), which is a paradigm of
    these words usually known as antagonyms, or self-antonyms. When appeared in sentences
    or passages, self-antonyms may sometimes make readers confused, were there no enough
    other background information. You may  feel bewildered when seeing “plagiarism is
    actually sanctioned by the government” but still cannot understand the government’s
    attitude towards plagiarism.
    Self-antonyms have been studied by scholars for a long period. Since those scholars were
    from different cultural backgrounds with distinct modes of thinking, there never have been
    uniformed names for self-antonyms. Some call them “antiphrasis, enantiosemy and
    antimology” or simply “ambivalent words” (Dai Xiaohui, 2000:50). Others name them after
    a Greek God Janus who possesses two completely different faces.  (Ma Qin,2010:112)
    Other names like “reflective antonym” and “auto-antonym” have also been used. In this
    thesis, the name of “self-antonyms” is adopted to express this phenomenon.
    What’s more,  self-antonyms are not unique in English language. In China, Guo Pu first
    came out with the concept that a word may carry opposite meanings in his Er Ya Zhu (《尔
    雅注》)more than 1600 years before. Besides, Salim Soliman and al-Khamash has also
    written 'Addad': a study of homo-polysemous opposites in Arabic (2011, 8). From examples
    above, we can conclude that self-antonyms are common worldwide. In this paper, however,
    we will just focus on self-antonyms in English Language.
    The purpose of this paper is to define the origins and categories of self-antonyms. All the meanings of these vocabularies are from Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese
    Dictionary, 7th
     edition (Hornby, 2009). And this paper can be briefly pided into six parts.
    The first part is the introduction of self-antonyms, the objectives of this paper and research,
    the methods adapted and used in the study as well as layout and arrangement of the thesis.
    Then, the second part is the literature review, summarizing the studies have already done by
    domestic and foreign scholars on the origins and categories of self-antonyms. Important
    researches on English etymology are also contained.  The third part, the  theoretical
    background, introduces the first hypothesis of this paper with examples to verify it. The
    fourth part is the introduction and verification of the second hypothesis. Examples are also
    provided. The last part is the conclusion part, includes the summary of the entire thesis, as
    well as discusses about the social changes that causes, or reflects the opposite meanings in
    self-antonyms from the perspective of other subjects including sociology and history. Major
    facts contributed to the changes will also be mentioned, the conclusion will be drawn, and
    the limitation of the study as well as expectations for future study around this thesis will
    also be mentioned and put forward.
    1.2 Hypotheses and Objects of Study
    This paper is based on the belief that these self-antonyms must have originated from either
    certain roots or affixes which carry different meanings in different languages where English
    words derived from  --such as Latin, Greek and German-- which share similar spellings at
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