    摘 要 英语写作能力是英语学习者必须掌握的技能之一,是英语交际能力的重要体现。很多的英语学习者已经意识到写作的重要性。每种语言都有其独特的规则,每个人种都有其独特的文化。汉英在文化和规则方面有很多不同点。他们属于不同语系,所处的社会和文化背景也不同。英语学习者难免会受到汉英思文方式不同的影响。词语的选择和句子构建及语篇结构和语言风格是英语写作的重要方面,而英语学习者常常受到汉式思文的影响写出一些语法没有错但不合英语法则的文章。因此,在英语的学习中汉语的干扰作用很强甚至很复杂。19624
    Abstract The ability of writing in English is one of the requirements to English learners and it embodies the ability to communicate in English. English learners increasingly realize its importance. Each race has its own culture; each language has its own special language rules. Chinese and English have differences in culture and rules. They respectively belong to two different language branches and different social and cultural backgrounds. English learners will be affected by the differences between Chinese and English modes of thinking. Selection of words, construction of sentences, structure of article and style of language are four important aspects in English writing.  They often write with Chinese modes of thinking. As a result, the writing may be right in English grammar, but wrong in English rules. So Chinese influence in the process of studying English is great and complicated.
    Key words:  modes of thinking; ways of  writing; influence
    The Influence of  Different Thinking Modes on English Writing and the Corresponding Strategies
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Language and the Modes of Thinking    2
    Ⅲ. Influences of  Different  Thinking Modes on Writing    4
        3.1 Selection of Words    4
        3.2 Construction of Sentences    6
        3.3 Structure of Articles    7
        3.4 Style of Language    9
    Ⅳ. Strategies    9
        4.1 Analyzing Students’ Need    10
        4.2 Responding to Students’ Need    10
        4.3 Strengthening the Connection Between Reading and Writing    11
        4.4 Uniting Writing and Translation    12
        4.5 Imitating the Excellent Writing Models    12
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    English is a foreign language for Chinese learners. When learning it, learners could meet many difficulties. Writing is an important part of English learning, and it is difficult to improve. Many people are good at speaking, reading and listening, but they are not good at writing. English learners increasingly want to improve their writing well, but the result is still not satisfying. Some learners even do not know the reasons. Others think the reasons are the differences between Chinese and English on culture; some learners think it is because their ability of Chinese writing is poor. There are many reasons for this. One of reason is the influence of the differences between Chinese and English modes of thinking. Language is one of the expression tools of thinking, and of course it is safe to say that ways of thinking influence writing greatly. This is a problem that cannot be avoided in English learning. Additional, At  present, there exists a phenomenon that  college students' English writing is Chinese style English.  Although they write in English, the word choice, the sentence pattern and the entire layout is Chinese composition. That is to say, for many Chinese students, especially non-English majors, English writing is an unhappy task. Although they have already got a certain degree of language ability and basic grammatical knowledge, their English writing still lack English taste. Sometimes students get good ideas, but when they tend to convert them into words, their expression will make others confused. For these reasons, the real problem is that the students are used to thinking in Chinese mode in the writing process. People’s thinking activity is expressed by the forms, words, phrases, sentences and sentence groups, language is the main carrier and expressing form of thinking. Thus the point is not only to master pronunciation, grammar and word, but also understand the thinking mode of the nation.
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