
    This thesis is focused on describing the differences between the Chinese and English thinking modes and  the influence on English writing. As is known to all, when writing in English, English learners will be affected by the differences between Chinese and English modes of thinking. Selection of words, construction of sentences, structure of article and style of language are four important aspects in English writing. English learners often meet difficulties in these four aspects. They often write with Chinese modes of thinking. As a result, the writing may be right in English grammar, but wrong in English rules. So Chinese influence in the process of studying English is great and  complicated. Based on the practice of learning, this thesis gives some suggestions about how to use English thought to organize material, eliminate Chinese interference and improve the ability of English writing. Moreover, the ultimate goal of English teaching is to enable to use English as the ability to write as a tool to communicate. Writing is the highest level to use in English learning. Training students’ English ability  is an extremely important part of writing skills,  to a large extent, it reflects the students to master the English language knowledge and ability level. However, how to improve students writing skills among students and teachers is headache. That is, though the English learners grasp a lot of words, sentences and expressions, they may not be able to write a nice article. So the paper tends to emphasis how to write passages smoothly and coherently, and even no grammatical errors.

    II. Language and the Modes of Thinking

    Human beings repeatedly recognize and understand the objective things during their practice, and then form ideas in their brains which they use to judge and deduce things. That is the formation process of human thinking. Thinking is difficult to define because of its abstract traits. Here are the definitions of thinking from some commanded dictionaries. In Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition, thinking is defined as “ an act that use one’s mind or the power of reason to make judgments, to form opinions.” The definitions mentioned above show that thinking couldn’t be separated from the human brain. In Concise Social Science Dictionary, thinking is viewed as “ the indirect, general reflection of objective substance, which is based on the social practice” (Kaplan, 36). Thinking has different forms such as logical thinking and image thinking etc. In short, thinking is an abstract thing that can impose its impact on the objective world. That is to say, thinking reflects the objective reality of human brain. It is also the process of the human brain to receive, process, store and output information of guiding the human behavior. Although thinking is a common ability of human beings, each nation has its typical ways of thinking. However, they can use different thinking ways to express the same ideas and to acquire the same knowledge, the differences may be the different words, sentence orders or text structures in the different language environment. What we can't explain by rules of grammar problems is mainly caused by the differences between Chinese and western thinking. As for most of Chinese students, they may generally control  a foreign language after the mother tongue, whose language has been marked the mother tongue  deeply. Hu Shuzhong (1993) thought that English learners should acknowledge how native English people organize the meaning of a language. The way of organizing is the way of thinking.
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