    摘 要随着网络语言的发展,网络中常用的一些英语用语已经融入我们的日常生活之中,发展成为网民表达情感和生活的一种工具并对汉语词汇产生了潜移默化的影响。本文将运用一些常用的网络英语用语实例,旨在归纳和分析其构词方式及其形成原因,探讨其对汉语的影响。这篇论文分为五个章节,第一章总体介绍;第二章阐述了网络常用英语用语的构词法和一些网络流行语的举例和释义;第三章从网络英语的简洁性及其作为提升个性和丰富语义的手段两方面论述了网络语言的形成原因;第四章重点论述了网络英语的盛行对汉语的影响;第五章是对整篇论文的一个总结。说明对网络英语的研究有着重大的现实意义。19823
     关键词: 网络语言; 英语; 汉语; 影响
    With the development of the Internet language, Network English is widely used in our daily lives. It has developed into a way that the Internet users use to express their feelings and life and have a great influence on Chinese vocabulary. There will be many normally used Network English words in the paper to analyze the characteristics of network English and expound the causes of Network English formation, and discuss its influence on Chinese. The whole paper is pided into five chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction of the whole paper. Chapter two analyzes the formation of the commonly used words and phrases, some examples and their paraphrase. Chapter three is the analysis of the reason for the Network English formation from the view of its conciseness, personality and wit. Chapter four discusses the influence of the Network English on Chinese, and Chapter five is the conclusion of the whole paper, which says its significance of the Network English research.
     Key words: Network Language; English; Chinese; Influence
    Network English Formation and Its Influence on Chinese

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. The Major Formation of Network English    2
    2.1 Abbreviation    2
    2.2 Transliteration and Free Translation    3
    2.3 The Use of English Punctuation as an Emotion    4
    Ⅲ. The Analysis of the Reason for the Network English Formation    6
    3.1 The Conciseness of the Network English    6
    3.2 Promotion of Personality and Wit    7
    Ⅳ. The Influence of the Network English on Chinese    8
    4.1 Richness and Vividness of Chinese Vocabulary    9
    4.2 Change of the Way of Communication    9
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    Ⅰ. Introduction

    With the development of the Internet, network English is widely used in our daily lives and has certain effects on Chinese. It also discusses its influence on Chinese.
    Network language is produced with the development of modern society and has developed into a way that the Internet users used to express their feelings and life. Along with the development of popularization of the computer and network, more and more people are getting to know and use network language. With the fantastic characteristics of convenience, flexibility, real-time, simplicity and visual, the network language has got widely spread. Some network vocabulary has breakthrough the limitation of the network and melted into our daily life.
    What’s more, it also has a subtle influence on our Chinese vocabulary. The usage of the network English language has become a popular trend. Because the network has its special carrier and virtual reality, thus, network language presented its particularity and persity in the beginning. In addition to using the standard words, people in this virtual world have created many new words that only those who often surf the Internet can understand them. Even in real life, we can often hear some fashionable network vocabulary from people especially in teenagers. As a kind of language phenomenon, how should we think about “Internet Language”? We have the problems of how to keep the purity of the words and at the same time promote the innovation of the language. In the real life, we use the language to communicate.
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