
    In addition, we have to have the aid of other tools. In network communication, we mainly depend on the written language, and English dominates the network of the world, so the network language includes a large number of English vocabularies. And these words presented in a way of persity, and tended to break through the original lexicology and syntax, thus, shaped a unique network language. Some English words have become a part of Chinese ones and surely produced certain influence on Chinese vocabulary.

    Ⅱ. The Major Formation of Network English

    Generally speaking, the word-formation of Network English follows the methods and principles of word-formation of Standard English; however, it has formed some unique characteristics at the same time, which gradually become the major trend in the development of Network English. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation. On the Internet there are innumerable new words coming and dying. The Internet provides a chance for inpiduals to freely create new words for only one particular occasion. What is needed is just a brief explanation about the meaning of the new word the first time you use it. The rapid spread of information on the Internet makes those new words well known among netizens. There is a variety of means at work now. English word formation can help us recognize English words, understand them correctly, and enlarge our vocabulary quickly.
    2.1 Abbreviation
    Abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Usually, but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word abbreviation can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr., abbrv, or abbrev. In strict analysis, abbreviations should not be confused with contractions or acronyms, with which they share some semantic and phonetic functions, though all three are connoted by the term “abbreviation” in loose parlance. Abbreviation is a shortening by any method; a contraction is a reduction of size by the drawing together of the parts. A contraction of a word is made by omitting certain letters or syllables and bringing together the first and last letters or elements; an abbreviation may be made by omitting certain portions from the interior or by cutting off a part. Normally, acronyms are regarded as a subgroup of abbreviations. It is the outcome of the rapid exchange of information on the Internet. The word abbreviation is popular among the Internet users.  In order to save time, the Netizens often use the first letter of each word in a sentence to represent what they want to say. The first letter of a word composes abbreviations. The following are the cases.
    For instance, NE (i.e. New Zealand). CEO (i.e. Chief Executive Officer). BF (i.e. boyfriend). GF (i.e. girlfriend). BB (i.e. baby, lover, children, etc. or Bye-bye, bye). IT (i.e. Information Technology). CPU (i.e. Central Processing Unit). IE (i.e. Internet Explorer). DL (i.e. download). FE (i.e. For Example). IC (i.e. I See).etc.
    There are also some phrase abbreviations. For instance, LOL: Laugh out loudly. BTW: By the way. CU: See you. BBL: Be back later. ASAP: as soon as possible. BRB: Be right back. TTYL: Talk to you later. D IY: Do it yourself. AFAIK: As far As I know. TIA: Thanks In Advance. NOYB: None of Your Business.
    2.2 Transliteration and Free Translation
    Transliteration consists in representing the characters of a given script by the characters of another, while keeping the operation reversible. The use of diacritics or digraphs solves the problem of different number of characters between the alphabets of the two writing systems. The main goal of this conversion operation is to enable the automatic and unambiguous recreation of the original. In a word, the transliteration of a transliterated text should return the original text. This is why standards are used, like ISO. The examples below are listed to show the use of the transliteration and their paraphrase.
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