    With the development of the society, the importance of English has been shown in various aspects of our life, especially oral English. Oral English assessment is an indispensable part of primary English instruction. However, in Chinese primary education, due to the over-emphasis on written language and the difficulty in evaluating, oral assessment has always been regarded as an unnecessary part of primary English teaching. At present, in most of Chinese primary schools, oral assessment either has been totally neglected in the English assessment system, or has simply existed in the final exams. Under such situation, this paper studies the assessment of primary students’ oral English according to different ways of assessment, so as to improve the oral English teaching.
    Key words: oral English; oral assessment; primary students A Research on the Assessment of Primary Students’
    Oral English
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Background of Oral Test    2
    2.1 Theoretical Foundation    2
    2.2 Assessment Criteria    3
    2.3 Problems of the Present Assessment System    4
    III. Objectives and Tasks of Oral Test    6
    3.1 Objectives of Oral Test    6
    3.2 Tasks of Oral Test    7
    IV. Forms of Oral Test    9
    4.1 Formative Assessment    9
    4.1.1 Concept of Formative Assessment    9
    4.1.2 Functions of Formative Assessment    10
    4.1.3 Limitations of Formative Assessment    11
    4.2 Teacher-assessment    11
    4.3 Self-assessment    12
    4.4 Peer-assessment    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction

    Assessment is defined as a process of obtaining information that is used for making decisions about students, curriculum, programs, and education policy. It plays a crucial role in the different levels of education. Not only does it help teachers in determining the most appropriate and effective ways of teaching, but also informs learners about their learning progress by providing feedback so as to aid them adjust their learning strategies and improve their learning efficiency. Language is a tool for communication and the prime need of learners is not for a theoretical knowledge of the target language, but for an ability to understand and be understood in that language within the context and specific language using circumstances (Carroll 54-72). With the development of education reform of primary English in China, spoken English has caught much attention. For English learners, spoken English is an ability to express the ideas and communicate with others. However, the oral assessment of primary English is still in stagnation and limited to the traditional assessing system. Generally speaking, in Chinese, oral evaluation exists two problems (Wang 58). One is that reading and writing assessment characterized by standard tests or exams focus on vocabulary and grammar, while oral ability, as an important element of language competences is ignored. The other problem is that summative oral tests are misused as the equivalent of oral assessment. Being emphasized in the administrational function of assessment, this kind of summative oral test is mainly used to document learners’ speaking performance so as to decide whether they have accomplished the curriculum objectives, and whether they are qualified for the required standard. Other factors like learning styles and strategies, motivation and attitudes, and participation in classroom activities are all overlooked in the assessment. In a word, the current oral assessment of primary English is under an uncompleted situation, which impedes the development of spoken English. This paper is carried out to enhance the quality of primary English evaluating from the assessment perspective. The ultimate aim of this research is to set up an assessment system which can make positive influence on oral English testing.
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