    摘 要《献给艾米莉的一朵玫瑰花》是威廉•福克纳的经典哥特式短篇小说,一直以来都被广大学者们分析研究。本文从目的论的角度对杨岂深和徐翰林的两个中文译本进行了分析探讨。翻译目的论是由汉斯•弗米尔提出的,他认为译文取决于目的性,在翻译过程中要遵循目的原则,连贯性原则和忠实性原则。其中,目的性原则应为翻译原则中的最高法则。而目的论是否适用于文学翻译在翻译界中有着不同的争论。本文意图从目的论视角下对《献给艾米莉的一朵玫瑰花》的两个不同的中文译本进行对比研究,进一步说明目的论在文学翻译中的作用以及其在文学翻译上的适用性。19825
    Abstract A Rose for Emily is William Faulkner’s typical gothic short story, which has been studied widely by many scholars. This thesis is to analyze two different translation versions written by Yang Qishen and Xu Hanlin respectively from the angle of the Skopos theory. The Skopos theory was proposed by Hance Vermeer who thought that the translation was decided by purposes, and translators must conform to the skopos rule, which is the highest rule among all the translation rules, coherence rule, and fidelity rule in the course of translating. Nevertheless, whether the Skopos theory suits for literary translation is controversial in the translation field. This thesis is exactly to prove that the Skopos theory is applied to the literary translation and plays an important role in the process.
    Key words: the Skopos Theory; the skopos rule; literary translation
    A Study of Two Chinese Versions of A Rose for Emily from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
    摘 要………….i
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Theoretical Foundation of This Thesis    2
    2.1 Definition of Skopos Theory    2
    2.2 Development of the Skopos Theory    3
    2.3 The Three Major Rules of Skopos Theory    4
    2.4 Comment On the Skopos Theory    5
    Ⅲ. A Brief Introduction to A Rose for Emily and the Two Chinese Versions    6
    3.1 Introduction to the Author    6
    3.2 A Summary of the Novel    7
    3.3 Two Chinese Versions of A Rose for Emily    8
    Ⅳ. A Contrastive Study On the Two Chinese Versions of A Rose for Emily from Skopos Theory    9
    4.1 A Contrastive Analysis from Skopos Rule    9
    4.2 A Contrastive Research from Coherence Rule    12
    4.3 A Comparative Study from Fidelity Rule    14
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction
    Skopos theory is proposed by Hans J. Vermeer. The word skopos comes from Greek, which often refers to the purpose of the translation. This notion has been put to use in the theory of translation and its core concept is that the first and foremost factor in the process of translation is the purpose of the integral translation action.
        Translation is an intention to communicate interculturally. Translators should choose the translation device according to the purpose. Because of the difference between different culture and language, translation can not be exactly equal with the original. The translation purpose can decide whether to be loyal to the original form or content or to create a free translation to meet the need of the target language reader. The theory has three important principles, which are skopos rule coherence rule and fidelity rule.
        A rose for Emily is a classical short story by William Faulkner. It tells a story about Emily who was born in a Sothern aristocratic family poisoned her love and hides the corpse in her bed leading to the road of self-destruction. It has been populated all over the world. The writing style, features and the story itself all give readers a deep impression. To translate this article, one must has profound language skills and has a through understanding about the original style. The Skopos Theory has been widely applied to the critical papers and practical writing, but narrowly to the literary translation. Many scholars believe that this theory is not appropriate for literature translation. Thus, this thesis intends to offer to another demonstration that the Skopos Theory can be used properly in literary translation taking A rose for Emily as an example.
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