
        The third stage is Justa Holz-Manttari’s proposing of the translational action theory by using the reference of communication theory and the behavioral theory. He moved forward a single step in the functionalistic translation theory. The theory supported that translation is an interactional effect among people ordered about by aims and results-oriented. Afterwards, Vermeer combined the theory with the Skopostheorie owing to much similarity between the two theories.
        The fourth stage is that Christiane Nord summed up the Functionalistic theories comprehensively. She explained the inside and outside factors of the ext analysis in translation by using the English system firstly, and how to make translation strategies corresponded with purposes based on the original text functions. She synthesized all the theories of Functionalism and proposed that translators should follow the principle of “function plus loyalty”, so that completed the theory.
  1. 上一篇:小学生英语口语能力评估方法研究
  2. 下一篇:德语论文《四川好人》中的好人形象
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  2. 从文明冲突角度看巴黎恐怖袭击

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  5. 从《麦田里的守望者》看...

  6. 目的论视域下习语的英汉翻译

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