摘 要培养学生的创新思维、科学探究和自主合作学习能力是在初中英语口语任务型教学中运用头脑风暴法的重要目标。当前,有关头脑风暴法在英语教学方面的研究仅限于理论层面,涉及其在初中英语口语教学中的应用更为少见。因此,本论文着重探讨如何在初中英语口语任务型教学中科学、有效、合理地应用头脑风暴法。本文首先阐述了头脑风暴法的特点,然后结合初中英语口语任务型教学的特点,探讨了头脑风暴法对初中英语口语教学的适用性及实施方法,这对提高初中英语口语教学质量具有促进作用。82602


Abstract The goal of applying brainstorming method in oral English teaching in junior middle school is to foster students’ ability of innovative thinking and scientific exploration。 The researches on the brainstorming method in English teaching are limited on the theoretical level。 And little research has been conducted on the situation of applying brainstorming method in task-based oral English teaching。 Therefore this paper is concerned with how to apply brainstorming method in task-based oral English class in a scientific, effective and reasonable way。 In this paper,the characteristics of the brainstorming method are explored at first, and then the feasibility and implementation of the brainstorming method in the task-based oral English teaching in junior middle schools is studied。 It is hopeful that this paper will help to improve the teaching qualify of the oral English in junior middle school。 

Key words: brainstorming method; oral English in junior middle school; task-based teaching

The Application of Brainstorming Method in the Task-Based Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School


摘要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 An Overview of Brainstorming Method 2

2。1 The Current Situation of Brainstorming Teaching 3

2。2 The Target of New Curriculum 3

III。 The Implementation of Brainstorming Method in the Task-Based Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School 5

3。1 Brainstorming Method Is Applicable to Theoretical English Teaching 5

3。2 Brainstorming Method Is Applicable to Task-Based Oral English Teaching 6

IV。 The Significance of Implementing Brainstorming Method in the Task-Based Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School 7

4。1 Brainstorming Helps to Cultivate Students’ Divergent Thinking Ability 8

4。2 Brainstorming Helps to Promote Students’ Learning Initiative 9

4。3 Brainstorming Helps to Cultivate Students’ Crictical Thinking Ability 11

V。 Conclusion 11

Bibliography 13

Acknowledgements 14

I。 Introduction

Brainstorming method combines the advantages of both traditional and modern language teaching approach, and allows students to learn and use the language by a series of interesting discussion, emphasizing communicative activities which made the aims of study as a guide in the real situation。 The essence of the brainstorming method is to dig out one’s creative talent and pergent imagination ability。 In the English teaching, students can learn, understand and use language and learn how to solve some practical problems by discussion and cooperation。 In the discussion process, this method emphases on the communication with each other student rather than the learning style。 Nowadays, many researchers have explored the method of brainstorming in reading and writing, but some of them are just introducing this method of other countries。 They did not connect it with the practical class learning, and they did not the applicate this method on the task-based oral English in middle school。 And the teachers haven’t any effective advice, some practical theories, and the model with this method is to link with the reality。 Based on the present situation, this paper studies the new method of brainstorming on the task-based oral English in junior middle school。 And it is of a great practical significance of both teachers on English teaching class and student effective learning。论文网

















