2。2 The Target of New Curriculum

In the year of 2001, ministry of Education promulgated the New National Criterion for English Course which advocates task-based approach in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teaching of the middle school, and advocates experiencing, practicing, participating, communicating and cooperating, so that the students can obtain a sense of success by achieving a goal (Chen 30)。 Besides, it presents new requirements for English teaching in our country (Chen 30)。 After investigate some schools and interview some students and English teachers, spoken English has not been paid much attention and the students’ speaking ability is not very well。 In this paper, we aim to change the pattern of the traditional learning in which students put much emphasis on receptive learning and mechanical memory, and to advocate students participate in actively。 The new teaching mode is that students are fostered their ability through collecting the relevant information, and required to enhance their ability of learning new knowledge and resolving the problem (Liu 16)。 The new curriculum standard of task-based Oral English in junior middle school especially emphases on cultivate a problem consciousness or ability of “scientific inquiry” (Liu 16)。 The fact is that the majority of students are especially forced to study in the traditional teaching method including accepting learning and cramming learning。 It is also demonstrates that student are lack of problem awareness in the classroom teaching meanwhile represents a very passive learning state that the master role of the students has not been fully presented。 In order to make task-based oral English Teaching achieve a better learning effect and active student’s interest and participation in class discussion, students should base on their learning features, such as interests and hobbies, personality characteristics, and their practical characteristics and the English outline in junior middle school。 Based on the above factors, the traditional teaching outline and previous passive learning method should be changed into an initiative learning that students are fond of the designing task in spoken English learning。 So the teachers achieve the training goal under a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere while the students improve their comprehensive abilities of using English in the task-based oral English teaching class。 The most appropriate way in oral English teaching is to adapt the students learning habit according to the method mentioned above。 For example, in the process of listening to English text, teachers should suspend a minute after reading a sentence loudly at the same time teachers should explain the meaning to the students once again, and should pay much attention on the analysis of some sentences。 In the learning progress, students can frequently read the sentence by sentence in English in the end and can grasp the ability of using language skills, such as pause, tone, accent and stress, etc。 The student’s nature imitation ability is not a mechanical repetition, but an accurate reading and the perfect understanding of the article。 It needs teacher’s explanation to the essay and may be a good learning method to make the students have a correct understanding to the learning purpose。 来;自]优Y尔E论L文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-s adhering to the task-based oral English method, students will effectively improve their English level, and will be more confident to speak English。 Students are mostly limited on the book knowledge and cramming learning method of the traditional oral English teaching in junior middle school, thus they are bored to write down the sentence in the tactical application scenarios of learning and easy to use the sentence patterns to form a formal thinking methods that they are difficult to adapt themselves to use the language in a flexible way。 When learn the sentence “what is this”, it is simple to set a picture where let two students play shopkeepers and customers respectively and persuade customer to buy something。 Through back and forth role-play, students can not only deepen the meaning of this sentence, but improve their ability of using English to speaking。 In the process of a simple design, learning is close to the students’ life, and gives them a deep impression on their life time (Qu 17)。

















