    摘 要文化是人们长期以来在社会历史实践中创造出来的物质财富和精神财富的总和,是人类文明的伟大成果。语言与文化密不可分,任何一种语言都是依赖于社会文化环境而存在的,这一特点在习语中的体现尤为显著。习语言简意赅,是人们长期以来在社会历史文化实践中总结出来的语言精华。因此,习语颇具浓郁的民族色彩和文化内涵。在习语翻译中,译者不能只在字面意思上进行揣测,而要充分了解两种语言的文化背景差异,以便在保留原文文化气息的基础上进行翻译。本文先从文化的定义入手,进而分析文化与习语的关系,然后以一些英汉翻译实例为切入点来探讨英汉文化差异。20060

    Culture is the achievements of human civilization progress, which is the sum of material and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the social historical practice. Culture and language are closely linked and inseparable (Sapir 221). The existences of languages always rely on the sociocultural environment, which is obviously reflected in idiom. Idiom is a concise and comprehensive language. Therefore, idiom bears a strong national color and distinct cultural connotation. A translator should have a fully understanding of cultural background differences and translate idioms on the foundation of keeping the original cultural ambience instead of surmising the literal meaning. This paper will firstly introduce the definition of culture and the relationship between culture and idiom. Then it will point out the main culture differences between English and Chinese through some examples.
    Key words: culture; difference; idiom; translation

    Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese in Idiom Translation
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Culture and Idiom    2
    2.1 Definition of Culture    2
    2.2 Definition of Idiom    3
    2.3 The Relationship Between Idiom Translation and Culture    4
    2.3.1 The Tendency to Powerful Culture    4
    2.3.2 Cultural Conditioning on Idiom Translation    4
    III. Cultural Differences in Idiom Translation    5
    3.1 Different Values    5
    3.2 Different Social Customs    5
    3.2.1 Eating Habits    5
    3.2.2 Attitudes to Animals    6
    3.3 Different Geographical Environments    7
    3.4 Historical Cultural Differences    9
    3.5 Different Religious Beliefs    10
    IV. Idiom Translation Methods    11
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    The electronic media explosion of the 1990s and its implications for the process of globalization highlighted issues of intercultural communication (Bassnett & Lefevere 1). Also, with the development of globalization, social science research is having a series of historical changes. From literary criticism to translation theory, from philosophical thinking to anthropology exploration, their focus and perspective of study are changing all the time. These changes manifest as the popularity of culture fever in translation circle. In 1990, Andre Levere and Susan Bassnett first suggested “culture turn” in translation which argues that the basic unit of translation is not word, not sentence, not even text, but culture. This theory was no doubt a breakthrough in translation, besides, it brought many new challenges. Domestic scholars also did a lot of researches in areas about cultural differences which combined China’s reality with the overseas theories and analysis framework. Breakthroughs were made in some aspects such as cultural rituals, religions belief, modes of thinking and so on.
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