    China is the homeland of tea culture. Chinese Tea Culture is broad and profound with a long history. Since tea was introduced to America, it has formed its unique way of tea drinking and American tea culture. The persity, participation and fun are the main elements of American tea culture. However, Chinese tea culture is a cross-culture which is related to religion, nation, and poetry and so on. It’s characteristics are of colors of society, region, nation and heritage. Tea culture is the cultural tradition of two countries which has both the physical meaning and spiritual meaning. This paper seeks to reveal the differences and development of American tea culture and Chinese tea culture by contrasting the features of tea culture of two countries. So, two countries will enhance the communication and cooperation in the fields of culture, politics, and economy to promote the relationship of two countries.

    Key words:tea culture; differences; communication

     Analysis on the Comparison of Tea Culture Between China and America
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Chinese Tea Culture    2
    2.1 Origin of Chinese Tea Culture    2
    2.2 Development of Chinese Tea Culture    2
    2.3 Spread of Chinese Tea Culture    5
    III. American Tea Culture    7
    3.1 History of American Tea Culture    7
    3.2 Development of American Tea Culture    7
    IV. Comparison Between American Tea Culture and Chinese Tea Culture    9
    4.1 Similarities Between Chinese Tea Culture and American Tea Culture    9
    4.1.1 The Identity of Hygienical Function of Tea    9
    4.1.2 The Identity of Fashionable Tea Culture    9
    4.2 Differences Between Chinese Tea Culture and American Tea Culture    10
    4.2.1 Difference of the History of Tea Culture    10
    4.2.2 Difference of Connotation of Tea Culture    10
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    The term “tea culture” refers to anything that is related to tea. It is defined by the way tea is made and consumed, by the way people interact with tea, and by the aesthetics surrounding of tea drinking, it includes aspects of: tea production, tea brewing, tea arts and ceremony and so on.
    Tea is commonly consumed at social events, and many cultures have created intricate formal ceremonies for these events. Western examples of these are afternoon tea and the tea party. Tea ceremonies, with its roots in the Chinese tea culture, differ among eastern countries, such as the Japanese or Korean tea ceremony. Western countries also have their tea culture. The British is the first country to form its own tea culture. Then the British Empire spread its own interpretation of tea to its dominions and colonies including regions that today comprise the states of India, Hong Kong, and Pakistan which had existed tea customs.
    Different regions favor different varieties of tea and use different flavorings. When we brew the tea, the temperature and quantity of water likewise varies widely. In order to get a cup of good tea, it is necessary to select high quality tea leaves and water, and good tea ware. Tea culture refers to the accumulation of material objects and spiritual wealth over the course of human history, with an emphasis on the creation and accumulation of spiritual wealth. It should be described as the manifestation of the history, production and spirituality of all events and ideas that come from the act of drinking tea; however, as a physical medium, tea extends far and wide into other disciplines and fields. Tea culture influence extends from the physical (the traits of Chinese tea ware - 器物性) to the abstract (the origins of Daoism - Tianrenheyi “the oneness of heaven and humanity”- “天人合一” ).
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