    I would like to begin by acknowledging associate professor Yu Jing at Shanghai Institute of Technology. Without her constant encouragement and guidance, this paper could not have reached the present form. Miss Yu has spared much of her precious time for me, reading and revising my paper—paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence. She also carefully underlined the mistakes which I made in my thesis. During this time, she gave me a lot of support and encouragement and all these gave me confidence to move on with my work.
    In addition, many people have given me a hand while I was writing this paper,. When I met some difficulties, my teachers and friends encouraged me to overcome those difficulties. Therefore, I would also like to express my thanks to them for their excellent ideas and generous help and support to me.20099
    The assistance and support from my dearest friends Joy and Derek also demand recognition. They are not only my close friends, but also source of ideas. They gave me their suggestions and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.
    Special thanks go to my families, as always, they have been incredible. Though living far from me, my father, mother and sister gave me a lot of care and profound love, which is the permanent support for me. Their consistent encouragement and love mean a lot more than I can say.

    Liz Murray is regarded as a miracle American girl who has overcome tremendous odds to go from “Homeless to Harvard”, and has turned her life story into an American bestseller. She is best known for her autobiography Breaking Night: a Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, And My Journey from Homeless To Harvard.

    Liz Murray’s autobiography tells the story how she changed her life from the surroundings of Hippies. The Hippies ignore marriage and family, conceptually, they are materialists, and advocate consumerism. They live a careless life, falling in vanity in spirit. In general, they have a cynical view of the world, sexual promiscuity, and drugs. They were brought down by realism in the 1980s.
    Breaking Night is an epitome of the 1980s in the U.S.A The thesis introduces the novel to give a general idea of the writer and the whole story. Through textual analysis of the book, the thesis reveals the American cultural values and social phenomena in the novel. Then it investigates the cultural values of the U.S.A., such as American dream, the inpidualism and heroism. Through the approach of example analysis, the thesis will show the readers what the society of the U.S.A. was in 1980s, and give a conclusion of its cultural values.
    Key Words: Breaking Night, American mainstream culture, values



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