4。4 Summary 16

V。 Conclusion 18

 5。1 Main Findings 18

 5。2 Implications 19

 5。3 Limitations of the Present Study 19

Bibliography 21

Teacher’s Discourse Analysis of the Fourth SFLEP National College English Teaching Contest - A Corpus-based Study


1。1Background of the Present Study

Corpus Linguistics is a great stride forward in the linguistic history of the last century, linguists and language researchers make it possible to study and analyze all aspects of linguistic data by using or establishing corpus so as to observe the phenomenon。 With this objective method to analyze the linguistic data, researchers can find different linguistic phenomena on the basis of interpretation of search results in order to avoid personal subjective understanding。 Such researches results of qualitative analysis of linguistic data, coupled with the quantitative analysis,  are more convincing and objective。

Application of corpus linguistics to discourse analysis has become a hot topic in recent years。 In the past decades, lots of researches on corpus-based discourse analysis emerge at home and abroad。 For example, the Fifth (2004) North American Symposium on Corpus Linguistics hosted by American Association for Applied Corpus Linguistics is named Corpus Linguistics beyond the World: Corpus Research from Phrase to Discourse (2007), which extended the research of corpus to the level of discourse。文献综述

Discourse Studies in China started relatively late and are lacking

 in research types。 On the one hand, domestic English classroom teaching is easier for data collection; on the other hand, compared with the corpus-based methods, the traditional method is more mature。 Therefore, this thesis selected the Fourth SFLEP National College English Teaching Contest to build corpus。 It is desirable to have some new and valuable discoveries in this area through the study used discourse corpus techniques and methods as a reference。

1。2Research Purpose

   This study uses corpus analysis software AntConc 3。2。1 to observe and verify the cohesion and coherence of the core features, interactive features and the context of local English classroom discourse, in order to explore the teachers’ classroom discourse in the context with self-built corpus。   Observation of Classroom Discourse will be achieved through the following aspects:

   1) Coverage and frequency of small word (He Anping & Xu Manfei, 2003);来.自^优+尔-论,文:网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

   2) The list of words, collocations and the important word extracted    from self-built corpus; 

   3) Frequencies of discourse chunks (Xu Jiajin & Xu Zongrui, 2007)

   It is expected to be able to verify the core features in the discourse based on this English classroom discourse corpus, and also be able to improve the Chinese English teaching and benefit bilingual teaching。

1。3Research Methodology

Linguistic data of this study is based on the video of the Fourth SFLEP National College English Teaching Contest which is converted to TXT format。 This corpus contains 29,729 words which come from 10 winners teaching videos。

   The study uses AntConc 3。2。1 as the research tool。 The extraction of coverage and frequency of small words, frequency of discourse block and word lists, collocation and high-frequency words named quantitative methods。 Qualitative methods are used to explain some of the important words extracted from the corpus and interpret the definition in the text。

















