    My writing of this thesis has smoothly come to an end, and I hereby would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the following people for their selfless dedication and contribution to my thesis.
    My profound gratitude first goes to Mr. Liu Wenliang, my supervisor, for his constant guidance and encouragement in the process of my writing. He generously spent his precious time and shared his considerable and constructive advice during the process of my paper. Under his careful and patient guidance, I begin to get a clear idea of the paper and fully frame it out.
    Besides, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to other teachers in my college life, especially my translation course teacher Yuan Bing, it was her that made translation become an interesting thing in my mind. I am also very grateful to my classmates, for their encouragement and help.
    The Analects is one of the classics of the Confucian school that was recorded by Confucius’ disciples. It is described based on the literary form of the dialogues between Confucius and his disciples. It records Confucius’s and his disciples’ words and deeds, including political views of Confucius, thought of logic, moral concept and principles of education. The Analects has been translated into multiple languages, among which the English translations are numerous. There are more than twenty English versions, and new versions appear constantly day by day.
    The author has chosen four famous English versions by James Legge, Arthur Waley, Ku Hung-ming and Lin Yutang to analyze the persity and misunderstandings in the translation versions. The first chapter is the introduction: Confucius, the history of The Analects, the connotation of it and four famous translation versions of it. The second chapter, the literature review, introduces the previous studies on the four major translation versions and the author’s direction of study. The third chapter, as the main body part of the thesis, analyzes the different translations of some key concepts, different translations of the same sentence and the misunderstandings in the four major translations. The fourth chapter, from the perspective of translators, explores causes of the persity in translating The Analects. The author finds that the culture background has a great impact on the translation purposes, which further determine the translation strategies and finally the perse expressions. The fifth chapter is conclusion, which concludes the causes of persity and misunderstandings in the four translation version.
    The author wishes to explain the causes of different translation versions of The Analects through the analysis of the persity of translating it. The author finds that there are two major reasons for the persity: one is the limitation of translators’ understanding in Chinese culture and the original text; the other one is their different translation purposes.
    Key words: Analects, concepts, misunderstandings, cultural background, translation purposes
    《论语》是儒家学派的经典之作,由孔子的弟子编撰而成, 主要以对话为主体,记录了孔子的言行,集中体现了孔子的政治主张,伦理思想,道德观和教育原则。《论语》先后被各国学者翻译成多种语言,其中,英译本较为繁多,大约有二十多个译本,而且不断地有新的英译本的涌现。
  1. 上一篇:德语论文德国养老保险制度及对中国的借鉴意义
  2. 下一篇:英汉语中与饮食相关习语的文化含义及形象意义对比
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