
    Acknowledgements ...i
    摘要. iii
    1 Introduction..1
    2 Literature Review..3
    3 Contrasts of Different Translation Versions of The Analects.6
    3.1 Diverse Translation of the Key Concepts in Translating The Analects6
    3.1.1 The Diverse Translation of Ren6
    3.1.2 The Diverse Translation of Li.8
    3.1.3 The Diverse Translation of De10
    3.1.4 The Diverse Translation of Junzi and Xiaoren12
    3.2 Diverse Interpretations and Misunderstandings in the Four Major Translations of The Analects14
    3.2.1 The Different Interpretations14
    3.2.2 The Misunderstandings.15

    4 A Tentative Analysis of the Causes of Differences and Misunderstandings.18
    4.1 Different Backgrounds.18
    4.2 Different Translating Purposes.20
    4.3 Different Translating Strategies.21

    5 Conclusion.23

    1 Introduction
    Confucius, who was also named Qiu or Zhongni, was the founder of Confucianism. As a great thinker, he established his unique ideological system with Ren as its core and Li as its representative and other concepts like Junzi, Xiaoren, De, Dao, Tian, Zhong, Xiao, Gong. As a great educator, he was the first scholar to extend cultural education to the common people. He also made great contributions in compiling the six classics, including Shi (The Book of Songs), Shu (Collection of Ancient Text), Li (The Rites), Yue (The Music), Yi (The Book of Changes) and Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annuals).

    The Analects of Confucius, which is commonly known as Lunyu in China, is one of the most important works of Confucius. It is a collection of dialogues given by Confucius and his disciples. Lun means the editing of documents and Yu is the dialogues between the teacher and his students. His philosophical thoughts on teaching, making friends, treating family, establishing social relationship, shaping personality and focusing on humanity have influenced Chinese culture a lot, even the west.

    Throughout the history of China, Confucianism has been deemed much of significance among China’s philosophies. It was first compiled between the Spring and Autumn Period (722-480 B.C) and the Warring States Period (480-221 B.C) by the disciples of Confucius. Moreover, it was recompiled in Han Dynasty and it has been existed for more than 2500 years. It initially appeared with 22 chapters, and than it evolved into 21 chapters, however, it has developed into 20 chapters since 300 B.C ago.

    Although Confucianism turned out to be the most important ideology and religion, it was not the most influential when it first appeared. In Qin Dynasty (220-205 B.C), the policy of burning books and burying Confucius scholars was issued by the emperor, with the purpose of keeping people away from the philosophical literature. In Han Dynasty, Confucianism quickly became the common ideology of the country. From Sui Dynasty on, all test items in the imperial examination of China were designed according to The Analects and other Confucian works which remained the most authorized textbooks for the learned men to secure official position and establish political status and they were also seen as guidelines for the ordinary people to think and act. The authorities regulated the social norms, human relationship and social culture according to Confucian works thereafter and Confucianism has dominated China’s ideology for more than two thousand years.

    The Analects was mainly composed of the dialogues between Confucius and his disciples, among who are authorities, scholars, musicians, poets and educators. Therefore, The Analects contains Confucius’s view on education and learning, knowledge and practice, music and poetry, the gentleman’s quality and the small man’s weakness, the will of Heaven and destiny, the way of self-cultivation, and the right attitude toward ghost and spirits, government and law. As a consequence, The Analects is abundant in its content and philosophy.
  1. 上一篇:德语论文德国养老保险制度及对中国的借鉴意义
  2. 下一篇:英汉语中与饮食相关习语的文化含义及形象意义对比
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