    关键词  功能对等    押韵   广告翻译
    Title   Analysis of Untranslatability of Rhyme in Advertising Translation from Functional Equivalence
    This paper is to analyze the untranslatability of rhyme in advertising translation from the angle of functional equivalence and to find methods for maximum level of equivalence translation by ping deep into the famous advertisements over the last years. Based on the essence of translation, Eugene Nida put forward the famous theory of dynamic equivalence translation, which is the functional equivalence. According to this theory, this paper will point out the shortcomings of translation of rhyme in specific cases. With the aim to achieve equivalence, some common translation methods will also be studied in order to extend attempting thinking, improve the translation competence of English learners and create a good environment for bilingual advertisement.
    Keywords   Functional Equivalence   Rhyme   Advertising Translation
     Table of Contents
    1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Functional Equivalence Theory1
    1.2 Definition of Rhyme..1
    1.3 Relation between Functional Equivalence Theory and Rhetoric3
    2 Literature Review..4
    2.1 Theoretical research..4
    2.2 Practice Results..5
    3 Translation Strategies of rhyme in advertising and Their Untranslatability.6
    3.1 Literal Translation..6
    3.2 Free Translation7
    3.3 Substitution8
    3.4 Four-character Structure9
    3.5 Others10
    Conclusion 11
    1 Introduction
    With the development of commercial trade, the effect of advertising on the exchange of information and the promotion of products and service is valued increasingly not only by traders but also by the public. 21 century is an era of economic globalization and integration, which highlights a significant upward trend of internationalization of advertising, meaning that the importance of advertising translation is self-evident.  As an independent specialized language, it is generally true that the translation strategy of advertising language differs greatly from general translation so that the untranslatability of advertising translation is inevitable.
    1.1    Functional Equivalence Theory
    The functional equivalence theory (Eugene Nida, 1982: 159) is the main study angle of this paper. Eugene Nida is a famous linguistician and former chairman of the Linguistic Society of America. The core of Nida’s theory is functional equivalence, which means that the translation is not literal hidebound correspondence, but to reach the equivalence between two languages from a functional perspective. He put forward two major principles guiding translation practice, namely the formal equivalence (F-E) and dynamic equivalence (D-E). The former focuses on the information itself and emphasize that the translation information should be consistent with the original information. On the other hand, the translation is dynamic seeking natural appropriate expression, based on "equivalence principle". Thus, the "formal equivalence" is not as popular as "dynamic equivalence" with translators. Even Nida himself later confirmed that the focus has changed significantly, from the formal equivalence to the dynamic equivalence. He believes that the attention of formal equivalence is paid to the information itself in the form and content.
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