    关键词:电影字幕翻译  翻译目的论  归化策略 
    Title  Application of Catchwords in the translation of English Film Subtitles----talking about the public acceptance of it
    Recently, translators use abundant catchwords in films subtitle translation, which has become a burning issue among audience and media. Film subtitle translation belongs to General English-Chinese translation, which has the characteristics of colloquiality, instantaneity and spatiality. On the basis of the Skopos Theory, combined with the translation strategy of domestication, this thesis aims to analyze the cultural words in film subtitle translation in Kung fu Panda II, and Men in Black III. Furthermore, a questionnaire is done to investigate the audience acceptance of this phenomenon in order to summarize some principle in the application of catchwords in subtitle translation.
    Key words: Film Subtitle Translation    Skopos Theory   Strategy of Domestication  
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    1.1  Previous study on film subtitle translation    1
    1.2  Research design and methodology    2
    2  A profile of film subtitle translation    2
    2.1  Traditional theories on translation criteria    3
    2.2  Special features of film subtitle translation    3
    2.3  Functions of film subtitle.    3
    3  Applications of catchwords in film subtitle translation.    4
    3.1  In the perspective of the theory of domestication    4
    3.2  Points to be aware of in the application of catchwords    6
    4  Survey on the audience acceptance    7
    4.1  Questionnaire design    8
    4.2  Distribution of questionnaire    8
    4.3  The result and analysis    8
    Conclusion    12
    Acknowledegements    14
    Bibliography    15
    Appendix    16
    1 Introduction
    Having developed for over a century, film has become one of the most popular ways for people to relax themselves in their daily lives. In recent years, in order to enable the Chinese people understand film’s content better, the translators always use a large number of network catchwords, poetries or slangs with highly Chinese characteristics in translating English subtitles to entertain the audience. Someone consider that these vivid and creative words appear in the film can attract the audience and effectively alleviate the loss of culture. While someone think it will reduce the accuracy of the interpretation if we just blindly use it in films.

    1.1 Previous study on film subtitle translation
    Since Yan fu put forward his three principles of xin, da, ya (fidelity, readability, and elegance), kinds of new theories have appeared proposed by many other scholars. In China, the famous translator Qian Shaochang said, “the film language not only contains the general cultural language factors, but also has its own characteristics of listening, integrity, instantaneity and popularity”(Qian Shaochang, 2000:61).
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