    摘 要《了不起的盖茨比》讲述了一个来自下层阶级的年轻人,通过经营非法买卖敛取财富,以此来赢回女主人工黛西的爱,但最终被抛弃杀死的故事。小说表面上是一个爱情故事,但实际却是对社会状况的反映和批判。通过对新潮女郎的重新解读,对尼克的男权叙述话语进行破解,叙述者尼克存在男权意识和厌女症。在叙述者尼克男权意识视角支配下,一定程度上体现出作者的女性价值观。本毕业论文采用文本细读和文本分析的方式,结合女性主义理论,进而深化对小说主题的理解。20945
    The Great Gatsby tells us a young man who comes from the lower class struggles to amass a great deal of wealth and devotes himself to acquiring possessions through bootlegging and other illegal operations, only to win Daisy’s love, but finally is abandoned by her and murdered. Seen from the surface, the novel is love story, but actually, it is the realistic reflection and criticism of the aura of the time. By rereading of flappers, Nike’s patriarchal narrative discourse is dismantled. A series of events and examples in the text illustrate the misunderstanding and misogyny of the narrator. Therefore, guided by Nike’s limited view, the characterizations of women in the text reveal the writer’s feminist value. This paper combines the intensive reading of the text with feminist theory through analyzing the characters, thus deepening understanding of the feminist theme of the novel.
    Key words: feminist; patriarchal ideology; misogyny
     Rereading Flappers in The Great Gatsby from the Feminist perspective
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Feminist Criticism and The Great Gatsby    2
    2.1 Feminist and Feminist Literary Criticism    2
    2.2 The Feasibility of Feminist Criticism in The Great Gatsby    3
    III. The Dependent Women in Fitzgerald’s Work    4
    3.1 Daisy Fay Buchanan, A “Golden Girl”    4
    3.2 Jordan Baker, A Cool Girl    5
    3.3 Myrtle Wilson, A Lower-class Girl    6
    IV. A Feminist Perspective of The Great Gatsby    7
    4.1 A Man’s Book: The Great Gatsby and Women    7
    4.2 Viewing of Women on Nick’s Perspective    8
    4.3 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Feminist Value    10
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgments    15
    I. Introduction

    F. Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940), the famous American novelist in the 1920s, is known as the spokesman and laureate of the “Jazz Age”. Together with William Faulkner and Earnest Hemingway, he was ranked one of the three prominent novelists in modern American literature. He created the “Romance of money”, opening up his own artistic field, and making a great contribution to American literature. The author was born on September 24, 1896, and died of heart attack in Hollywood on December 21, 1940. After his death, people generally regarded him as one of the most serious and ambitious novelist. Fitzgerald’s greatness lies in the fact that he vividly captured the mood and manners of his age and combined with his personal experience. He created a myth out of American life and portrayed the pictures of American youths vividly. The story of The Great Gatsby is a good illustration.
    There is no doubt that The Great Gatsby is Fitzgerald’s masterpiece. The novel published in 1925, has been considered as a great masterpiece of American fictions to date. The story tells us a young man named Gatsby who is from the lower class struggles to marry a rich and beautiful lady of the upper class, but finally is abandoned by her. The women characters in this work are vivid and life-like, they also reflected the social changes. In this paper, adopting rereading of the text, textual analysis and intensive reading of the text combine with feminist point of view through analyzing the characters, thus deepening the understanding of the feminist theme of The Great Gatsby.
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