    奥斯卡获奖影片《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》无疑是展示世人追求自由,幸福与成功的两部优秀电影。影片的主人公安迪(Andy)和克瑞斯 ( Chris) 在面对生活困境甚至是绝境时所表现出的勇敢、坚强、自信以及对自由平等和美好生活的追求无一不体现着美国个人主义价值观。本文分别从个人自由、个人奋斗和个人独立三个方面探析美国个人主义价值观在当代美国社会的体现及给我们带来的启示。21149
    关键词  《肖申克的救赎》 《当幸福来敲门》 个人主义

    Title  An Analysis on American Values of Inpidualism from The Shawshank Redemption and The Pursuit of Happyness
    The oscar-winning films The Shawshank Redemption and The Pursuit of Happyness are undoubtedly two excellent films that show the world the meaning of pursuing freedom, happiness and success. The bravery, adamancy, confidence and the pursuit of freedom, equality and good life presented by the protagonists Andy and Chris when they are in  hardship and even desperation, are definitely the embodiment of the American values of inpidualism. In this article, through analysis and comparison of the two excellent films, values of inpidualism in the contemporary American society are elaborated from three aspects: inpidual freedom, inpidual struggle and inpidual independence, hoping to bring some enlightenment to the people in current society.
    Keywords   The Shawshank Redemption   The Pursuit of Happyness  
    Table of content
    1    Introduction1
    1.1  Brief Introduction to The Shawshank Redemption .1
    1.2  Brief Introduction to The Pursuit of Happyness.3
    1.3  Previous Studies on the Two Films4
    2  American Value of Inpidualism.5
    2.1  The Origin of Inpidualism5
    2.2  Inpidualism from Past to Present.5
    3  Elements of Inpidualism in the Two Films.7
    3.1  Inpidual Freedom 7
    3.2  Inpidual Struggle10
    3.3  Inpidual Independence.11
    3.4  Other Important Elements of Inpidualism13
    Conclusion .15 Acknowledgments17 Bibliography.18
    1. Introduction
    It has been over one hundred years of history since the birth of films. During this period, films have become an integral part in many people’s daily lives. Even though most people regard movies as a means of entertainment and relaxation, we cannot deny the fact that film is definitely a kind of visual art and the carrier of culture. Films reflect different social cultures and national spirit of the times. It is just like an epitome of different countries, different nations and different ideologies that present rich cultural and social phenomena to people. In addition, film has always been an important art form and a powerful and effective method for conveying ideas, values and beliefs. Undoubtedly, American films present American values to the world by attractive plot and curious scenes. Among all American values, inpidualism is undoubtedly in the core. This thesis chooses The Shawshank Redemption and The Pursuit of Happyness, two successful American contemporary popular films, as the subject for analysis. Both films portray the core value of America— Inpidualism-- most profoundly. The heroes, Andy and Chris respectively, are totally the embodiment of the values of Inpidualism. Inpidualism poses as the inherent cultural spirit that ran through these two works. As a result, the analysis of the Inpidualism reflected in these two films help form a deeper understanding of the values widely accepted and deeply rooted in the present American society.

    1.1 Brief introduction to The Shawshank Redemption
    The Shawshank Redemption is an American drama film which is directed by Frank Darabont in 1994 based on Stephen King’s novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. This film came on show in 1995 but didn’t get any Oscar awards in that year, for it was in the same period with Forrest Gump. But as time goes on, more and mroe audience begin to find the value of this film and speak highly of it. According to the polls of IMDB, The Shawshank Redemption is voted for 9.2 points which is the highest point in the history of IMDB. There are no costly magnificent scenes, no thrilling actions, nor were there beautiful female superstars or sensational love in this film. But it is a great film whose greatness comes from its illustration of real life and true humanity.
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