
    Andy Dufresne, the protagonist of this film, is a young banker who is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, and is sentenced to two consecutive lives at Shawshank State Penitentiary. After Andy arrives at the prison, a gang of prison rapists soon turn their attention to him and plan to torment him. The story is narrated by Red, later Andy’s best friend. Red is well known in the prison because he can get almost anything into prison. Soon, Andy asks Red to get a rock hammer with the reason that he is a rock hound. Though a little suspicious at first, Red make the deal with him. Later, Andy asks Red again to get a poster of Rita Hayworth, who appears on the movie screen that Red and other inmates are watching. Andy hangs the big poster on the wall of the prison cell. At the end of the story, it turns out that both items are of vital importance to Andy’s prison breaking plan which he has prepared for a long time.

    With his expertise, Andy soon establishes himself as a successful financial advisor. The guards take advantage of Andy to complete their tax returns, loan applications and other similar financial tasks. In return, they protect Andy from the violation of the prison rapists. Andy takes over the librarian role when Brooks, the librarian is on paroled. Since then, Andy writes letters to the State Senate every week asking for funds and books for the library in the Shawshank. In the prison, Andy plays the role of teacher for his high academic background and helps several other inmates to get their high school diplomas.

    But corruption in the penitentiary makes it impossible for him to get the justice. He suffers greater pain and is almost desperate. However, life in prison was depressing and antihuman. Only those with strong mental power can survive. As the story unfolds, the truth is gradually revealed. Andy was innocent. Something deep inside him wakens him and stimulates him to strive for his fate. By digging unremittingly for 20 years in the Shawshank State Penitentiary, he secretly created a way to freedom and realized his redemption.

    1.2    Brief introduction to The Pursuit of Happyness
    The Pursuit of Happyness is an American biographical drama film which is directed by Gabriele Muccino. The film is based on a true story of the black American investment expert Chris Gardner. It was released on December 15, 2006, by Columbia Pictures. For his performance, Will Smith, the protagonist, was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Actor.

    Chris Gardner is an on-and-off-homeless salesman. He has a lovely boy, Christopher, but his wife Linda gradually becomes an overworked woman because of the poor financial situation. They live in a small house and live by low incomes. Finally, for life pressure his wife leaves him, leaving him her five-year-old son. Because of his unsuccessful business, Chris almost spends all his savings. He can’t afford the rent any more. They are forced to be driven away from the flat and become homeless. They take street, public bathroom in subway station, asylum or anywhere as their temporary shelter. The life situation is absolutely depressing, but Chris never gives up and he still strongly believes that his life will be changed one day if he works hard enough. With his great efforts, Chris wins a six-month internship at Dean Witter, a portfolio investment company, but he can’t get any pay during internship. However, Chris doesn’t give up this opportunity. On one hand, he has to work hard to make a living, on the other hand, he has to fight for his intern work. Finally Chris gets a chance to practice at a prominent investment company with his amazing willpower. There is no salary during his internship and the competition for the position of stockbroker is extremely intense. Considering his son's future, as well as his own belief, Chris always tells himself: Just today, work hard enough, happiness will come tomorrow! Heaven rewards those who are righteous, Chris eventually becomes a successful investment professional.
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