摘要  在托妮·莫里森的新作小说《家》中,“回归”母题再次得到了认真的审视。无论是主人公在地域上的“回归”还是心灵上得到的皈依,均在小说中得到了充分体现。本论文将着重运用文本细读以及比较分析的方法挖掘小说《家》中的主人公关于“回归”这一母题,概括归纳经典文学作品中“归家”主题的共性、分析 “回归”母题在情节发展以及塑造人物性格方面所起到的重要作用。87587

毕业论文关键词  回归母题、《家》、托妮·莫里森

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   On the Homecoming Motif in Toni Morrison’s Home

Abstract  In the newly published novel Home by Toni Morrison, the “homecoming” motif has again been valued and highlighted。 This paper would put an emphasis on the characters in this novel by analyzing the concept of “homecoming” motif through detailed reading and employing comparative reading method in order to summarize the similarities of the literary works which contains the “homecoming” motif and analyze the role played by “homecoming” motif in plot development and characterization。源-于,优~尔^论=文.网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520~18766

Keywords: Homecoming motif, Home, Toni Morrison

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1。1 Toni Morrison and Home 1

1。2 Definition of Homecoming Motif 1

1。3 Literature Review 2

1。4 Research Approach 2

2 Homecoming Motif in World Literature 3

2。1 Brief Introduction 3

2。2 Odyssey 4

2。3 The Kite Runner 5

2。4 The Moon and Sixpence 6

3 Homecoming Motif in Home 7

3。1 Homecoming Motif in Textual Details 7

3。2 Homecoming Motif in Plot Development 8

3。3 Homecoming Motif in Characterization 9

Conclusion 12

Acknowledgements 13

References 14From+优 尔-论+文W网www.youerw.com 加QQ752018`766

1 Introduction

  Toni Morrison is one of the most prestigious American novelists throughout the history of American literature。 Along with her high-quality works, Toni Morrison has received many awards and honors because of Toni Morrison’s special identity and her penetrating insights into the history and living conditions of Africans。

1。1 Toni Morrison and Home

Born in America, Toni Morrison is not only a novelist but also an editor and a professor。 Her novels are known for their epic themes, vivid dialogues, and richly detailed characters。 The Bluest Eye(1970), Sula(1973), Song of Solomon(1977), and Beloved(1987)are the most important works of Toni Morrison and gained her a lot of prestige。 Morrison won the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award in 1988 for Beloved。 Beloved was adapted into a film of the same name in 1998。 Morrison was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993。 In 1996, the National Endowment for the Humanities selected her for the Jefferson Lecture, the U。S。 federal government's highest honor for achievement in humanities。 She was also honored with the 1996 National Book Foundation's Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters。论文网

















