References 19

1。 Introduction

After being broadcast on TV, A Bite of China has attracted people’s eyes, not only in China, but also in other foreign countries。 A Bite of China is particularly successful and mainly shows the food and culture of China。 Food is an everlasting topic that could attract everyone around the world。 However, the documentary not only introduces the delicious food of China, but spreads the culture of China。 The documentary’s caption differs from others in that the style of subtitle is poetic and appealing。 From the perspective of humanity, the seven episodes arouse a big interest of the native audiences。 With the enhancing international status of China, as a window, A Bite of China admits the world to know China covering delicious foods and even brilliant culture, which attracts foreigners。 So, the translating of the documentary’s caption is obviously important。论文网

The report is mainly consisted of three parts。 The first part of the report introduced the background of the report, including the relationship between China and foreign country, the information of A Bite of China, and the theory of subtitle translation。 The second part showed the distinctive phrases and sentences in A Bite of China。 Final part is the conclusion。

2。 Background

2。1 Background of the relationship between Chinese culture and diets

The Chinese civilization is one that has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years。 The distinct cultural tradition of China that developed in the long course of history has exerted a strong influence on contemporary China, just as it did on ancient China。 In a history that spans more than five millennia, the Chinese nation has contributed significantly to the progress of human civilization, meanwhile to the cultural transmission。 China is not only a populous country, but also one of the nations which have a big tummy。 On the Early European Missionaries coming to China, they all noted the following things:源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

First, Chinese would eat everything。 A Franciscan, Odoric de Pordenone, who had lived in China for 3 years in 1320s, he recorded especially Chinese eating snake meat。 He mentioned that “snake meat was smelled so fantastic that it’s as a popular cuisine, and if lacking the snake meal in banquet, it meant the owner fell short of sincerity。 “(Le voyage en Asie d'Odoric de Pordenone, 1351)

Second, chopsticks actually surprised them。 An Augustine missionary, Martin de Rada once lived in Fujian Province and he talked about Fujianese using chopsticks“so skillfully”。 He said that “people lived there can pick up everything with chopsticks, no matter how little food, even if as round as plums。”(《老外眼中“舌尖上的中国”》,2015)

The last one attracting foreigners was tea。 Martin de Rada wrote that “there were some grass leaves with slight bitter and a small piece of preserved fruit in the boiling water。 At first, we were not used to this drink, but we soon accepted it and then liked it。 Because everywhere we go, it’s always used to serve guests first。”(《老外眼中“舌尖上的中国”》,2015)

It seems that the image of diet is closely bound up with nationhood。 As for foreigners, the freshness of Chinese cuisine almost ends up with Opium War I。 After signing Treaty of Nanjing, evaluation for Chinese diet of foreigners is generally low。 In many foreign books, which introduce our Chinese cuisine, emphasize that the poor in China eat not only cat meat and dog meat but rat meat。 It’s no doubt that these introductions negatively influence the cognition on Chinese cuisine。 Once they took trips to China just like adventures。 In their opinions, Chinese food was awful even poisonous。 That was the misunderstanding of Chinese culture。 On the one hand, that’s for former low status; on the other hand, for incorrect methods of cultural transmission。 Nowadays, the status of our China is in forefront of the world。 Therefore, it’s especially important to make favorable methods to transmit culture。 What’s more, diet is indispensable in cultural transmission。

















